The coronavirus disease is spreading across many nations. As this is a novel coronavirus, not everyone is aware of its occurrence and impact. Hence, there are many myths about the novel coronavirus disease, which must be busted to reveal the facts. Continuous studies are going on to find more information and create more awareness. Based on these, certain facts are presented here.
Let us look at some of the important myths and facts of the coronavirus disease.
Myth 1 – Exposure to the sun or temperatures higher than 25°C can protect you from the coronavirus.
Fact 1 – Exposure to the sun or temperatures higher than 25°C cannot prevent COVID-19.1 You can catch the coronavirus disease if you are exposed to an infected person or touch the infected surfaces, no matter how sunny or hot it is. There have been cases of COIVD-19 in countries having hot weather. To protect yourself, you must wash your hand frequently and thoroughly with soap and water and avoid touching your nose, eyes, and mouth.
Myth 2 – The novel coronavirus cannot spread in a hot and humid climate
Fact 2 – The coronavirus disease can spread in all areas, including those with a hot and humid climate. Irrespective of the climate, you need to take precautionary measures when traveling or living in areas where COVID-19 is spreading. Practice hand hygiene, eliminate viruses that may be on your hand by washing hands or using hand sanitizers and avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes.
Myth 3 – If you can hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling any discomfort, you cannot get the coronavirus disease.
Fact 3 – Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds without coughing is not a sign of coronavirus disease. The common symptoms of the novel coronavirus infection are dry cough, tiredness, and fever. If the condition worsens, a severe form of the disease occurs, causing pneumonia, in some people.
Myth 4 – Thermal scanners can detect the novel coronavirus
Fact 4 – Thermal scanners can only detect higher than normal body temperature. Hence, thermal scanners are useful in identifying persons who have a fever, possibly due to the coronavirus disease. However, thermal scanners cannot detect people who are infected with the novel coronavirus but have not shown symptoms like fever. The coronavirus disease takes 2 to 10 days to develop a fever and shows other symptoms, so it may not be able to detect fever in people during this period.
Myth 5 – Mosquito bites can spread the novel coronavirus
Fact 5 – Mosquito bites cannot spread the novel coronavirus.1 Presently, no information or evidence suggests the transmission of the novel coronavirus through mosquito bites. The novel coronavirus is a respiratory virus that spreads through respiratory droplets of infected persons, when they cough, sneeze or speak.
Myth 6 – 5G mobile networks can spread the coronavirus disease
Fact 6 – Viruses are not able to travel on the radio or mobile networks. The coronavirus disease has been reported in countries that do not have 5G mobile networks.1 The novel coronavirus spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person sneezes, coughs or speaks or It can also spread when someone touches infected surfaces and then touches the nose, eyes or mouth.
Myth 7 – Cold weather and snow can kill the novel coronavirus
Fact 7 – Cold weather and snow cannot kill the novel coronavirus. The normal body temperature remains 36.5°C to 37°C, even if the temperature is cold outside.1
Myth 8 – Taking a hot bath can prevent COVID-19
Fact 8 – Taking a hot bath does not prevent COVID-19. The normal body temperature remains 36.5°C to 37°C, regardless of your hot bath. Taking very hot water is dangerous as it can more harm to the skin.
Myth 9 – Drinking alcohol can protect you from getting infected with COVID-19
Fact 9 – Drinking alcohol does not protect you from getting infected with COVID-19. Alcohol has its health risks, hence excessive or frequent alcohol can raise your risk of health problems.
Myth 10 – Hand dryers or ultraviolet disinfectant lamp are useful in killing the novel coronavirus
Fact 10 – Hand dryers are not effective in killing the novel coronavirus. To protect yourself from the novel coronavirus, you must wash your hands with soap and water. You can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Once you have cleaned your hands, you can dry them with paper towels or use a warm air dryer. Ultra-violet lamps should not be used on hands or any skin areas for sanitization, to avoid skin irritation from ultra-violet radiation. 1
Myth 11 – Flu and pneumonia vaccines can protect against the coronavirus disease
Fact 11 – The novel coronavirus is new and different and needs its vaccine. Researchers and health organizations are working on the development of vaccines for COVID-19. Flu and pneumonia vaccines do not protect against the new coronavirus. However, these vaccines that work to prevent respiratory illnesses can help to protect your health, even if they cannot prevent you from the novel coronavirus disease. So, take them as recommended by your healthcare provider for maintaining health.
Myth 12 – Only elderly persons can get infected with the novel coronavirus
Fact 12 – People of all ages can get COVID-19. It is observed that elderly people and those with pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, diabetes and heart disease may be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with this infection. Elderly people need to be more cautious and follow the precautionary measures advised. Good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene can help protect your health.
Myth 13 – Antibiotic can prevent or treat COVID-19
Fact 13 – Antibiotics work against bacteria, not against viruses. The novel coronavirus is a virus, hence, antibiotics cannot prevent or treat COVID-19. However, in some cases, if you are hospitalized, antibiotic treatment may be given, as there are chances of bacterial infections.1
Myth 14 – Once infected with the coronavirus, it will remain for a lifetime
Fact 14 – If you get infected, it does not mean that you will have it for life.1 You can completely recover from the infection. Most people who get COVID-19 recover with timely treatment and do not show the presence of the virus in them, thereafter. If you get the coronavirus disease, seek medical help and follow the advice. Watch out for cough, fever and breathing difficulty and call for immediate medical help, if needed.
These myths and facts of the novel coronavirus disease help to be aware of the way the infection spreads and the preventive measures that you need to take. It is important to spread awareness and follow the medical advice given by your healthcare providers.
Also Read:
- What Does Coronavirus Do To Your Body?
- How to Prevent Getting Coronavirus?
- Is Coronavirus Curable?
- How Do You Test For Coronavirus?
- What Gets Rid Of Coronavirus?
- How Common is Coronavirus (Covid-19)?
- Can Face Mask Protect Against Coronavirus?
- Should You Be Worried About Coronavirus (COVID-19, 2019-nCoV)?