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Diet & Nutrition

Varied Causes of Feeling Light Headed and Nauseous After Eating

Food is meant to strengthen and revitalize an individual, but it is quite worrisome when it has the exact opposite effect. Feeling dizzy, light...

Diet & Yoga Exercises For Ovarian Cyst

Hearing about problems like ovarian cysts or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) has become quite common these days and this has bought about a level...

Osteopenia Diet for Women: Foods To Eat & Foods To Avoid

Osteopenia is a medical condition which is supposed to be a precursor for osteoporosis, a musculoskeletal condition in which the bones become weak and...

Here is What to Eat When Craving Sweets

Sugar craving is a problem for a large section of the population. Many people are addicted to sugar like chain smokers are addicted to...

Benefits of Pineapple Juice for Cough

Most of us have become conditioned to immediately picking up a bottle of cough syrup the minute we feel the telltale tickle at the...

6 Foods That Improve Blood Circulation

Understanding The Circulatory System? The circulatory system is an extremely vital component of the human body system. It requires the circulatory system to be working...

10 Best Yellow Foods To Have In Your Diet

Proper sleep and a healthy and nutritious diet play a very important role in maintaining good health. With all other nutrient rich foods, yellow...

Types of Salt & How They Affect Your Health

Over the years, the debate on whether we should use salt or not has raged on. In recent times, different types of salt have...

What is a Serotonin Diet & Foods That Are High in Serotonin?

Serotonin is commonly known as being a mood stabilizer in our body. It can be described as a chemical messenger in the human body...

Why to Cut Down the Sugar Habit & How To Do It?

If there is one extraordinarily destructive substance that everyone is eating too much, it would be sugar. With the increasing awareness, people know that...
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