Most people know about the face lift surgery. A full facelift surgery can have an extended recovery time and also have risks of scarring. However, you can avoid these issues by having something that is known as “mini’ facelift surgery. But again, this procedure of mini facelift is not for everyone. There are some differences between full facelift and mini facelift.
Full Facelift Vs Mini Facelift: Differences Worth Knowing
Full Facelift Vs Mini Facelift: Basic Differences
A full facelift is a complex surgery which is done to make the skin tight. A mini-facelift on the other hand is a minor surgery which aims at reducing wrinkles and sagging skin around the face, eyes, jaw, and neck.
A full facelift is also known by other names such as, Rhytidectomy or Traditional facelift. However, Mini facelift is also known as Weekend facelift.
Difference Between Full Facelift and Mini Facelift Based On The Procedure Of The Surgery:
A complete facelift is done by taking out excess skin, making the loose underlying tissues tight, and then re-draping skin on the neck and face of the individual. To begin with, a cut is made in front of the ear which is lengthened to the hairline above and then the cut is curved to include the hairline on the bottom of the ear right behind the neck. Now the skin is detached from the underlying tissues and the deep tissues within are tightened by suturing them. Now the skin is replaced as before the procedure and the incision is closed with any extra skin being removed during the procedure. The procedure is done under general anesthesia.
For a mini-facelift, excess of three incisions are required and instruments are inserted through these incisions. Any unwanted fat is removed and the muscles are put in shape. A minature camera is inserted through one of the incisions for the surgeon to see the inner structures while performing the procedure. A mini-facelift is normally done under local anesthesia.
Full Facelift Vs Mini Facelift: Differences Based On Their Effectiveness:
A full facelift is an excellent option to get rid of loose skin folds which develop in the neck and cheeks and also decrease visible wrinkles around the face and eyes. This procedure is a permanent solution for all the cosmetic issues that arise with loose skin and wrinkles.
However, in case of mini facelift, the surgical procedure only addresses sagging that is seen due to excess fat jawline, neck, and face. This procedure is limited to those individuals who are in their 40s and observe physical signs of age taking over them. This procedure is a temporary one and its effect lasts for a maximum of 10 years.
Full Facelift Vs Mini Facelift: Differences Based On The Restrictions:
There are certain restrictions one must follow while undergoing facelift surgeries. People who have enrolled for a full facelift should avoid taking blood thinners or aspirin about a week before the procedure. Additionally, they should also avoid any type of nicotine use before the procedure.
However, there are no such restrictions for patients undergoing mini facelift.
Difference Between Full Facelift and Mini Facelift Based On The Procedure Time:
A full facelift requires the patient to be admitted to the hospital and takes three to four hours or even more to complete. In some cases, the patient might have to stay overnight for observation.
However, in cases of a mini-facelift, this is an outpatient procedure and at maximumk takes an hour and a half to complete.
Full Facelift Vs Mini Facelift: Differences Based On The Risks Involved In The Process:
In case of full facelift, there are risks like bleeding, necrosis of skin flaps, infection, potential damage to facial nerves. Moreover, there are also risks of the general anesthesia. It must be noted that the risks are increased in the case of smokers and in patients suffering from diabetes.
Some of the risks involved with mini facelift include blood clots, excessive bleeding, scarring, bruising, and swelling. Negative anesthetic effects have also been reported in some cases of a mini-facelift.
Differences Between Full Facelift and Mini Facelift Based On The Recovery Time:
The time taken for recuperating from a full facelift procedure is variable and differs from person to person. The sutures are taken out after one week of the procedure. It takes about two weeks for the scars and bruises to fade away. In some cases, the patient may have numbness in the face for some weeks but it normally resolves a couple opf months after the procedure.
In cases of a mini-facelift, the patient has to wear a bandage for about two days after the procedure. They also need to keep the head elevated for a week postsurgery. The sutures are taken out a week after the procedure and patients can resume normal activities in a couple of weeks after the procedure.
Full Facelift Vs Mini Facelift: Differences Based On Their Cost:
The approximate cost for a full facelift is $7,000 to $16, 000 in the United States. However, a mini facelift is relatively cheap and costs around $ 7000 in the United States.
With the above differences that we mentioned, you must be now clear about the two types of facelift surgeries. If you want to undergo any of these, or want to know more about them; it is better to consult your doctor and know about the best options for you.
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