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Can Stress Cause Testosterone Levels To Drop?

Testosterone is a male sexual hormone. It is an extremely important hormone that performs the function of normal growth and development of male sexual characteristics. When testosterone is produced in a less than normal amount, it may have certain implications on the body, some of them being quite serious such as male infertility.

Testosterone levels may be affected in some people, though it is fairly uncommon, and there may be several reasons for it.

Can Stress Cause Testosterone Levels To Drop?

Can Stress Cause Testosterone Levels To Drop?

Many studies have found that stress may be related to low-testosterone levels and vice versa. Yes, researches show that when one is under stress, the testosterone may get affected and decrease in amount. And then, one becomes even more stressed that his testosterone levels are low. So, this continues and becomes a vicious cycle. It has also been observed that improving the stress levels generally may increase the levels of testosterone in one’s body.

It can also be described in another way. Stress causes a lot of other side effects, like lack of sleep, lack of motivation for exercise, lack of interest in eating and a general dislike for life, as there is a sense of being unwell. All these side-effects in turn affect various hormones in our body including testosterone. These effects cause the testosterone levels to drop.

Also, testosterone is linked with a general feeling of well-being in men. In absence of this hormone, one starts feeling generally unwell and deprived and the cycle again continues.

In order to manage stress and low testosterone levels, it is advisable to seek an opinion of a specialist. There are various methods by which the stress levels in the body can be reduced. Certain measures which can be taken to effectively manage stress levels and in turn, low testosterone, are-

Weight Management – when the body fat increases, the hormone oestrogen is increased. If oestrogen increases, testosterone is going to decrease. If this ratio is disturbed in males, it may lead to low testosterone levels. Due to stress, men lack the motivation to exercise and they indulge in fatty foods more. This causes a further dip in the testosterone levels. When one starts losing weight, this whole process starts backward; and this may help in increasing the testosterone levels.

Sleeping Enough- lack of sleep has an effect on testosterone by way of reduction. Those who are under stress tend to sleep poorly. This causes a decrease in testosterone. Getting enough sleep can help increasing the testosterone levels considerably.

Exercise- those who are in stress tend to exercise less. In fact, they lack the motivation to carry on with the exercise schedule. With regular exercise, endorphins are released. Endorphins can help in reducing stress and in turn boost the levels of testosterone. Additionally, muscle building exercises can help stimulate the production of testosterone levels in the body.

Diet- a low-fat and high-protein diet is considered good for improving testosterone levels. Also, reducing the amounts of foods that are highly refined, sugary, salty and that are loaded with trans fats and saturated fats can be particularly beneficial in increasing testosterone levels.

Deep Breathing And Yoga – simple deep breathing and yoga exercises can help reduce your stress levels instantly. A calm body and mind are less likely to suffer from any hormonal imbalances.

Recreational activities- a little time for yourself in a day can go a long way. One can use up that time in doing something that they truly like or enjoy. This is a great way to reduce stress levels, alternatively boosting testosterone.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy can improve testosterone levels. However, this may not be a suitable option for everyone and may have certain serious side effects. Researches have shown a link between high stress levels and low testosterone. Managing one’s stress levels effectively can considerably boost the levels of testosterone in one’s body.


  1. WebMD – Low Testosterone and Stress.
  2. Healthline – The Effects of Stress on Your Body. Link
  3. Mayo Clinic – Stress Management. Link
  4. Harvard Health Publishing – Exercising to relax. Link
  5. Cleveland Clinic – 7 Ways to Manage Stress and Improve Testosterone Levels.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 25, 2023

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