There are two things that are required for gaining the control over external stressors: acceptance that they will always be there and being positive that you can deal with it without getting stressed using the arsenal of physical and mental strategies. Managing and controlling the stress that is self-induced is more challenging as it needs to accept yourself and your body, let us start up with 25 stress buster techniques for living efficiently:
- Prioritize Your Activities/Work To Avoid Getting Stressed: For example, you have about 2 projects that you need to submit in the next week, commitment to your son, you need to fix your sisters computer, your mother’s overdue taxes on your table and many other things then what will you do? You can make a sheet on a paper or computer and give various task positions from 1 to 10 based on its importance and start working accordingly.
- Start Learning To Say ‘No’ Occasionally: Avoiding overcommitting can reduce the time that you waste and use it for your own need such as sleeping for appropriate hours, eating healthy or caring for your family. If you are not sure how to decline gracefully? Try “I cannot simply fit into my schedule” along with the expression of gratitude. Learning to say No occasionally goes a long way in avoiding getting stressed.
- Have A Cup of Black Tea To Relieve Stress: According to a study in the University College of London, the person who drinks the cup of hot tea or black tea just before completing any stressful task experiences about 47 percent drop in the cortisol later compared to the person who does not drink tea as his or her experience is 27 percent.
- Exercise To Become Alert And Active Helps Overcome Stress: If you are suffering through the stress related problem, then the physical activity can bring you in the right state of mind. In order to deal with stress in an efficient way you need to feel strong mentally and to need to feel robust. Exercise can do that. Exercise can’t make your stress disappear, but it can reduce the emotional intensity by making your thoughts clear which will enable you do deal with your issues more calmly.
- Participating In Volunteering Activities Helps Overcome Stressful Situation: It is proved that people who help others through different activities such as community work or volunteering becomes more resilient. Helping a person who is under situation which is worse than yours will help to think about your problem in a perspective way. When you give more, you feel a lot happier. If you are unable to find time for volunteering then do some sort of favor each day. It can be small something like helping someone to cross a road or take your colleagues for a coffee. Favors will not cost you much but they will make you feel better.
Meditate—The Best Stress Buster: According to a recent study, employees who meditate while working in the office for just 15 minutes, there is significant degradation in their blood pressure. Do not know where to start? Make time during your lunch time; remember to avoid distraction so switch off your phone.
- Let go of Unnecessary Worries to Relax: Determine the situation or instance where you find yourself becoming angry or annoyed over something unimportant or trivial. Start practicing to let it go, try not to be angry or upset over such things. Avoid using your energy and thoughts over something that is unimportant. Effective anger management can benefit you in many ways.
- Breathe Slowly and Deeply To Get Rid of Stress: Take three deep breathes and release them slowly before reacting to any stressful occurrences.
When you feel overwhelmed due to stress then practice speaking slowly compared to your usual speed. It will give you time to think before you react in any stressful situation. People who are stressed often speak fast and breathlessly; when you slow down your speed you will appear more in control and less anxious in stressful situation.
- Create an Effective Time Management Strategy To Avoid Getting Stressed: Select one thing that is simple and you have been putting off (E.g. Making doctor’s appointment, making a phone call) and do it instantly. It will help you to improve your attitude and confidence.
- Go outdoors for a Brief Break: Our Ancestors were right about the healing power of fresh air. No need to stress yourself to take out time for the break. You can simply rejuvenate on the terrace or balcony.
- Drink lots of water and eat small snacks that are nutritious. Dehydration and hunger can provoke the aggressiveness and aggravate feelings of stress and anxiety.
- Do a quick check on posture. Hold your shoulders and head upright and avoid slumping or stooping. A bad posture can cause increased stress, pain, and muscle tension. If you are at your desk most of the time, then you should avoid the repetitive strain injuries. For this, make sure that your workstation has a good design principle of ergonomics. There is the availability of information about a healthy workstation and ergonomics to ensure your station is ergonomically safe.
- For the end of the stressful day you should plan something rewarding, even if it is just a relaxing bath or reading books for some time. Allow yourself to relax by keeping the work, family concerns and housekeeping aside for a brief period before going to bed. Do not use this time to plan schedules for tomorrow or any other thing. Keep in mind that you need time to energize and recharge yourself. Though this you will be prepared to face the next stressful day.
- Take up a guitar lesson, refinish an end table, create a garden. Learning and mastering in new activities will reward you to feel good dopamine by sending your mind to a relaxing state called “Flow” where you lose the track of time.
Hug Your Dear Ones: Love is a good drug. People who frequently hug their parents have lower blood pressure than one who is less affectionate in relationships, according to the journal biological psychology studies. The benefit lies in oxytocin, which is a bonding hormone that may dampen the activity of sympathetic nervous and help you feel calm.
- Go To Bed Early: The fatigue can lead to increase in the cortisol level and heightens the feeling of being out of control and anxiety. You should try to get seven to eight hours of sleep. Try out both duration and see how you feel and determine the right amount for your body. Sleep is when the body rebuilds and repair tissues. If you cheat in this essential process, then your skin will suffer. According to the studies in the University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland on the woman who slept for fewer hours had more signs of facial aging such as uneven pigmentation and fine lines in just one week.
- Try Out The Trickle Effect: Studies show that hearing the sound of flowing water or being near water can lower the heart rate and level of stress which will make you feel more serene. Just looking at the water can also be relaxing. So arrange floating candles in crystal clear water filled vases or bring a tabletop fountain for your living room or buy fish tank with aquatic plants. If you do not have much place for it, then hang frames of river scenes or ocean or change your computer screen savers with a water theme. It will give your eyes a calming effect.
- Create a Quiet Corner: There are reason low-lit lounge areas are created during a spa set up. They are specially designed to provide security and comfort and make you feel swaddled. Recreating such effect at home is simple as you have to arrange few pillows in the dimly lit corner in your house.
- Feast Upon Dark Chocolate: When you feel stress and want to release it, and then remember that Swiss scientist calls chocolate a cure. According to the clinical trial in Lausanne if one consumes about 40 grams of the dark chocolate for two weeks daily then the stress hormones cortisol is reduced. The tasty ingredient and antioxidant in the dark chocolate helps in the improvement of the metabolism and healthy gut bacteria. Remember that 40 grams/day it is the right amount and eating more than that will not help you.
- Maintain a Journal / Dairy: Write down your feelings in a dairy for letting off the steam and avoid stress build up, giving words to your feeling will let your brain get free from the emotional self-control. It will regulate the distress.
Make Yoga a Regular Activity: According to the studies, yoga puts the body in the state of deep rest. The studies have proved that this same response can change the behavior of the genes when you are in a stressful situation. When one relaxes then there is less intake of oxygen and more exhale of nitric oxide, which leads to drop on psychological stress levels. The yoga also changes the way genes are related to inflammation during the stressful situation. So next time you find yourself in stressful situation strike a yoga pose.
- Laughter Is The Best Medicine: Just as the acute stress and chronic stress can cripple the organic system of the body, the humor will repair the body. When one laughs the autonomic nervous system settles down and the heart relaxes. The immunity of the body can be boosted by laughter as it increases the ability of a person to fight foreign cells and viruses and lower the level of 3 stress/anxiety hormones that are epinephrine, cortisol and dopac. In addition, it is fun to laugh. And fun is a good stress buster.
- Take A Hot Bath: It will give your body a kick and also gives a kick to your mind and it will slow down both. Create a soothing atmosphere in the bathroom with a few candles and bubbles.
- Switch Off Your Devices: The constant notification of the phone can intensify stress levels even if you are not stressed because of your work. So, it is better you switch off your phone when you want to relax. This disconnection from the outside world will help you to calm yourself. It will also reduce the stress level as your attention will be just about relaxing and not on your phone.
Also Read:
- 14 Strategies to Deal with Stress after a Long Work Day
- How Music can be a Secret Weapon to Reduce Daily Stress?
- Can Stress Cause Chest Pain?
- Stress Affects your Entire System and Not Just Your Mind!
- 10 Tips to Control Your Outcome in Stressful Situations
- 6 Stress Management Techniques to Take Control of Your Own Life