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How Long does it Take to Recover from Eye Infection & Its Do’s and Don’ts

Owing to the fast-paced technology driven lives we are living today where pollution is everywhere, eye infections can happen to anybody at any point of time in their lives. Eye infections are a result of attack by microorganisms on the eye. These microorganisms consist of bacteria, virus or even fungi. Though any part or the whole of the eye can be affected from infection, it commonly affects the cornea, the inner membrane and the area surrounding the inner eyelids. This annotation gives you vital information about the Do’s and Don’ts for Eye Infection management.

What are Some Common Eye Infections?

There is a diverse range of infections that can happen to your eye. In order to chalk out the right treatment, a doctor must figure out the exact type of infection thereby prescribing the appropriate medication. Some common eye infections include pink eye, ocular herpes, conjunctivitis, which can either have viral or bacterial origin.

How Long Does it Take to Recover from an Eye Infection?

How Long Does it Take to Recover from an Eye Infection?

Depending upon the intensity and type of eye infection, the duration of recovery or healing from eye infection could vary. Factors like your nutritional intake, diet regime and overall health status also influence recovery from an eye infection. In case you are already malnourished or in a state of poor health, it would require more time for the eye infection to heal. Other than this, patient’s immune system also plays a crucial role in affecting the recovery period from eye infection. Diabetes is a chronic disease that can have a detrimental impact on the body. It can dampen body’s ability to heal from any infection including eye infections. The recovery is also affected by the type of microorganism which affects the eyes.

No matter how small the symptoms of eye infection might appear initially, do not take them lightly. It is important to seek medical advice within 24-48 hours of symptom onset for proper diagnosis and right treatment of eye infection.

Do’s and Don’ts for Managing Eye Infection

Do’s for Eye Infection Management

  • Do maintain good hygiene when you are suffering from an eye infection. Make sure to wash your hands with mild soap and water. You can also use a hand sanitizer for the same.
  • It is important to refrain from sharing clothes or any personal items of contact such as towels that can transmit the infection to the eyes.
  • Make use of cold compression packs or ice cubes to wash eyes. This will provide relief from symptoms.
  • Do wear spectacles always.
  • Do wear sunglasses while going out to protect the eyes from exposure to sunlight.
  • Do use anti-inflammatory eye drops and other medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

Don’ts for Eye Infection Management

  • Do not wear contact lenses while you suffer from eye infection.
  • Do not share contact lenses.
  • Conjunctivitis or any other bacteria related eye infections are very easy to catch and transmit very easily from an infected to a healthy person. Therefore, it is important to avoid making contact with people like handshaking, sharing personal items etc. to reduce chances of transmission.
  • Avoid repeated touching or scratching of eyes even in case of itching, as that would add on to redness and discomfort of the eyes.
  • Do not swim or indulge in activities when suffering from an eye infection to avoid straining your eyes.
  • Do not rub your eyes repeatedly.
  • Do not skip your visit to an ophthalmologist in hope of self-diagnosis and treatment. This will only elevate the infection causing more discomfort in future.
  • Do not using eye drops or oral medications for your eye infection that are prescribed by the medical store persons. Rely only on the prescription of your ophthalmologist.

What are the Symptoms of Eye Infection?

Any kind of discomfort in the eye can be a symptom of an eye infection. This can include:

If you face any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it is vital to consult a doctor at the earliest. Any delay or self-diagnosis will elevate the discomfort thus posing further harm to your eyes.

Common Misconceptions Associated with Eye Infections

People believe that certain infections like conjunctivitis can spread by just looking at the person who is suffering from the same; however, this is not true. It is not an airborne disease and requires physical contact for transmission.

There are no specific eye drops to prevent an eye infection.

Preventing Eye Infections

  • If you are suffering from red eye or itchiness of the eyes, which is a very common onset symptom of eye infection, then completely avoid touching your eyes and wash your hands properly.
  • Taking proper care of one’s eye can help to prevent eye infections. Always consider, washing your hands before wearing contact lenses or in general before touching your eyes.
  • If any family members in the house are suffering from eye infection or any other infection, then make sure to keep their beddings clean and do not share anything with them.
  • In case you wear contact lenses, be particular in maintaining hygiene, such as regular washing of hands as well as cleaning the lenses with solution.
  • Refrain from sleeping while having contacts on, as this can trigger eye infection.


  1. American Academy of Ophthalmology – “Eye Infections”: https://www.aao.org/eye-health/diseases/eye-infections
  2. WebMD – “Understanding Eye Infections – Symptoms”: https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/eye-infections-symptoms
  3. MedlinePlus – “Conjunctivitis”: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001009.htm

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 10, 2023

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