Nearsightedness or myopia refers to a vision condition, where people although able to see objects close to them clearly but objects remain at far appear blurred in front of them. Accordingly, students suffering from nearsightedness often face difficulty in seeing a TV screen or a whiteboard in the school.
When Should Nearsighted People Wear Glasses?
If you or any of your kids are suffering from nearsightedness, you have to wear contact lenses or eyeglasses depending on the following major aspects-
If you are a myopia patient, you have to wear eyeglasses as primary choice related to your vision correction. However, the duration, for which you have to wear your eyeglasses depend on the extent of your nearsightedness problem. For instance, you have to wear glasses to perform specific activities, such as driving on road, reading the book and watching TV or movie screen when you have a nearsighted problem to a small extent. On the other side, if you experience very nearsightedness, you require wearing your eyeglasses for all time.
In most of the cases, eye doctors prescribe single-vision lens for providing clear vision at each distance. However, if patients exceed 40 years age or patients suffer from myopia because of stress related to non-vision work, they require using a progressive or bifocal addition lens. The main role of any multifocal lens is to provide strengths or powers of different ranges throughout the eyeglasses’ lens to facilitate clear vision in both up close and distance.(1)
Contact Lenses
If your job profile makes wearing eyeglasses difficult, you may even opt to wear certain contact lenses to deal with your nearsightedness problem. Contact lenses are responsible to provide clear vision and a relatively wide view field as compared to eyeglasses. However, as you have to wear your contact lenses directly on your eyes, you require enough care to assure about your improved eye health.(1)
Orthokeratology Or Corneal Refractive Therapy
Orthokeratology or Corneal Refractive Therapy, abbreviated as CRT is a nonsurgical procedure, in which a patient wears a series of rigid and specially designed contact lenses to reshape his/her corneal curvature and the front outer area of the eyes. Lenses create pressure on your cornea to make it flat and in turn, change the focus of the light entering your eyes. You have to wear contact lenses for limited periods, i.e. for over the night and later on, you have to remove them. If you have a moderate level of myopia, you will expect to obtain clear vision for the majority of the daily activities on a temporary basis.
Nearsightedness takes place when the eyeball becomes too long or the cornea i.e. the clear front cover of one’s eye is curved excessively. Because of this, the light that enters the eye fails to focus in the correct way and thereby, makes the distant objects to look blurred.
The problem of nearsightedness has until now affected 30 percent of total people in the United States. Even though the exact reason behind Nearsightedness until now remains unknown in front of eye doctors, evidence shows that most of the people inherit nearsightedness or have the tendency to develop it. If either of the parents or both of them are patient/patients of nearsightedness, children have a relatively higher risk to suffer from the same type of vision problem in the near future.
Other than the inheritance of the problem, a few children may even have tendencies to develop myopia based on the way, in which they use their eyes. For instance, kids and adults spending more time in reading books, working/studying in front of a computer or doing any other similar type of intensive visual task are more likely to develop the problem of nearsightedness.
In most of the cases, nearsightedness develops in children of school age. The eyes of kids continue to grow during the entire childhood, because of which the eyes progress until the children complete 20 years of age. However, in some of the cases, myopia develops in various adult people because of visual stress and any other health condition, especially because of diabetes.(1)
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