How Long Does It Take To Recover From Laryngitis?
Either infectious or noninfectious laryngitis treatment is based on the patient´s symptoms. Laryngitis is cured without sequelae in 8 to 15 days. There is no an estimated duration for patient´s recovery, it depends on a series of factors such as the patient´s general condition and their immune system capacity.
Allergic Laryngitis:
It is a poorly defined entity that consists of acute inflammation of the vocal cords and the rest of the laryngeal mucosa, with or without accompanying mucosal secretion. The importance of this inflammation is variable, reaching even the obstruction of the upper airways, compromising the vital prognosis.
It occurs more frequently in the context of an exposure to inhaled airborne allergens, such as pollens, although it can also occur through insect bites, food intake, medication ingestion, etc.
It is characterized by the sudden onset of laryngeal edema, a consequence of acute vasodilation and increased capillary permeability caused by histamine and generates a highly variable clinical symptoms ranging from simple laryngeal tingling, irrepressible rashes, etc. to obstruction which is a severe respiratory condition that needs urgent treatment.
Laryngitis Mediated by Drugs:
Currently there are no irritant or caustic laryngitis due to direct contact with the mucosa of substances such as arsenic or mercury, however, submucosal hemorrhage of patients treated with antivitamin k can be the source of the symptoms of acute laryngitis. Due to the great vascularization of the area, a hematoma appears that is located on the lingual aspect of the epiglottis. The clinical presentation is that of an epiglottitis without general signs of infection.
Acute Inhalatory or Thermal Laryngitis, And Caustic Laryngitis and/or Laryngopharyngeal Reflux:
The large mucosal surface of the larynx, due to its folds, makes it especially sensitive to any caustic or thermal agent.
Thermal or Inhalatory Laryngitis:
They are due to gaseous substances, generally resulting from a combustion process, which when inhaled generate lesions in the laryngeal tissue. They should be suspected therefore in large burns.
Caustic Laryngitis and/or Laryngopharyngeal Reflux:
In the inhalation of acidic and basic volatile products, the same symptoms as in thermal laryngitis occur. Some of these products are hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, chlorine, ammonia and gasoline, among others. However, in case of ingestion of caustic products, dysphagia predominates over dysphonia.
Laryngitis Due To Trauma or Vocal Effort:
It is one that manifests clinically due to dysphonia, and even hoarseness, of sudden onset in relation to an episode of vocal dysfunction or overstrain, so it appears preferably in patients who have to use their voice a lot. Vocal traumatism often develops on a previously irritated laryngeal mucosa. Tobacco, air conditioning, medications that dry the mucosa, infectious episodes of the upper airway are factors that also favor laryngeal irritation is unilateral. The laryngeal “lash” is the typical example of “traumatic” laryngitis. It is the appearance of dysphonia, and in some cases aphonia, after a violent laryngeal effort (scream, cough, and sneeze). The inflammatory condition is unilateral.
Autoimmune Laryngitis:
The appearance of acute hoarseness or stridor may reveal an edema associated with cricoarytenoid or cricothyroid arthritis. The latter is usually identified in rheumatoid arthritis, but it can also be found in other collagenoses such as disseminated lupus erythematosus or chronic atrophic polychondritis. Bullous detachments of pemphigus, pemphigoids and Stevens-Johnson syndrome can affect the laryngeal mucosa.
The dominant clinical manifestation is dysphagia. Laryngoscopy evidences ulcerations in the mucosa of the upper airways.
Symptomatic Treatment of Laryngitis:
It is based on local cures, anti-inflammatories and voice rest. A warm and humid environment is indicated. Aerosol therapy is the most effective local treatment. It is administered twice a day for 10 minutes, with a mixture of corticosteroids, antibiotics (aminoglycosides) and mucofluidizing, from 6 to 8 days. An anti-inflammatory spray or a menthol inhalation is sufficient in case of mild symptoms.
Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are added systemically and, if necessary, analgesics and antitussives. The minimum vocal rest is two to three days. Irritant factors (tobacco, alcohol, toxic vapors) should be suppressed.
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