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What Is The Prognosis For Parotid Tumor & Lifestyle Changes For It?

Salivary glands in humans have different sections and each of the sections may suffer from a benign or malignant type of tumor growth i.e. neoplasm. However, the parotid gland tumor is the frequent one, as more than 80percent of the total types of salivary gland tumors take place within the parotid gland.(1)

Most of the benign and malignant parotid tumors manifest as painless body mass. However, a few of the malignant tumors invade the nerves to cause regional or local pain, paresthesia, numbness, and motor function loss.(2)

If you undergo a diagnose with parotid tumor and salivary gland cancer, your doctor will identify the stage or extent of your cancer. Accordingly, he will determine the treatment options and gives a proper idea of your survival or prognosis.(3)

What Is The Prognosis For Parotid Tumor?

What Is The Prognosis For Parotid Tumor?

Salivary gland or parotid tumor problem is uncommon in the United States. According to the estimate, 1 adult from a total of 100,000 diagnosed with cancer every year. Cancer constitutes less than 1percent of different types of cancers diagnosed in the country. Moreover, the parotid and any other type of salivary gland cancer often take place in elderly members of a family.

However, if we talk about the prognosis, we have to determine it based on a 5-year survival rate after a patient is diagnosed with cancer.

Accordingly, research studies have revealed the 5-year survival rate in the case of the parotid tumor and salivary gland cancer is 71percent. However, the exact survival rate of patients depends solely on the type, stage, and extent of parotid cancer.

This means, if a patient has a malignant form of parotid tumor and his/her cancer remains only in the salivary gland, the survival rate will be 94percent. On the other side, if cancer spreads outside of salivary glands to other lymph nodes or surrounding structures, the survival rate becomes 65percent. Along with this, if cancer spreads to the body’s distant parts, the 5-year survival rate becomes 35percent.(4)

Lifestyle Changes For Parotid Tumor?

Whether you are suffering from a benign parotid tumor or malignant one, you have to undergo surgery for the removal of the affected tumor. However, patients suffering from the parotid or salivary gland tumor often suffer from infections, like pain and swelling. To manage such problems, doctors recommend:

Antibiotics: Antibiotics are useful for the treatment of pus, fever, and bacterial infection.

Needle Aspiration: Your doctor may use a fine needle aspiration for draining out the abscesses.

  • You have to undergo the following home treatments for dealing with a parotid tumor.
  • Consumption of 8glasses to 10glasses of lemon water daily for stimulating saliva and keeping your glands clear
  • Apply massage to the affected gland
  • Apply warm compresses to your affected gland
  • Rinse your mouth by using warm and saltwater
  • Suck on sugar-free lemon or sour lemon candies for encouraging the flow of saliva and reduction of swelling.

The aforementioned lifestyle changes or home remedies are only helpful in managing your condition.(5)

Baseline Assessment: Along with the aforementioned home treatment and non-surgical treatment options, you have to undergo baseline assessment after the surgery of your parotid tumor. Here, your speech pathologist will conduct a baseline assessment to measure the mouth movements, voice, speech, and the extent of your swallowing foods.(6)


To conclude, we should say that the prognosis of a person suffering from a parotid tumor followed by salivary gland cancer depends on whether the tumor/cancer spreads to other body parts or confines at a particular location. However, one can follow certain lifestyle changes or home remedies to manage the condition.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 18, 2020

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