Treatment for Turbinate Hypertrophy
The most common form of treatment that is used to control turbinate hypertrophy is medical therapy. Surgical therapy is also one of treatment but this for those who do not give any response to the medical therapy. The nasal decongestants both in the form of the nasal spray and the oral forms, are most effective and reduce congestion. It is also important to make into account that the nasal spray are effective excluding the fact that it can become problematic too and can make the condition of turbinate hypertrophy worse if it is used in more dose than directed by the physician. The tolerance and resistance to the medicine, such as the oxymetazoline or the phenylephrine may eventually lead to dependency on the nasal spray and is termed as rhinitis medicament. In addition, particularly patients confronts with a situation worse than before if the medicine is discontinued.
There are medicines for turbinate hypertrophy which are available that do not rebound swelling even if you use it for a long period of time and they are also effective, the oral decongestants is one of those. Two common forms of the oral decongestants are, the first one is pseudoephedrine and the other one is phenylephrine knows as Afrin. Most of the medication related to the treatment are related to the systemic side effects that include an increase in blood pressure.
Estimating that whether you have turbinate hypertrophy or not could be difficult but a physician can always be by your side as assistance.
Surgery for Turbinate Hypertrophy
The surgical therapy for turbinate hypertrophy is not for all the patients and is reserved for the patient with the persistent hypertrophy of the turbinates those are not responding to the medical treatment. As the function of the turbinates is very important, care must be taken off in order to avoid excess resection.
The important decision involving in the turbinate hypertrophy surgical management of the patient with the increase in turbinates is whether the hypertrophy present is bony, mucosal or both. The doctor on the turbinate mucosa has tried each physical treatment up at some time or the other, as there is no single superior technique that is clearly available.
Phenol application has been used in the past but it is no longer used because of the toxicity issue. Some new techniques have evolved like using the 2 mm micro derider blade. This technique has shown excellent long-term result for treating turbinate hypertrophy compared to the diathermy and radiofrequency impulsion.
Prognosis or Outlook for Turbinate Hypertrophy
The prognosis or outlook for the patients with turbinate hypertrophy is excellent. When it is performed for the appropriate reasons, then the turbinate reduction surgery is the best and most successful for reducing the symptoms of the congestion for turbinate hypertrophy. For the reason that there is no surgical procedure to cure the underlying conditions, further, the medical therapy is needed for the patient, especially with allergic rhinitis. Consequently, these patients experience a major improvement in both of the drainage as well as nasal symptoms.
Home Remedies for Turbinate Hypertrophy
Saline and Humidity as a Home Remedy for Turbinate Hypertrophy
The use of saline and humidity is a great home remedy for turbinate hypertrophy. Moisture is significant to the healthy nose and sinuses. If the nose and sinuses are irrigated properly with the concentrated saline then it can help to clean out all the allergens and kill germs, which will help to moisturize turbinates. Henceforth when all the sinuses and the nasal cavity dry out, at that same time the mucus and cilia might not be able to their basic function normally of pushing out debris and the allergens.
You can also help yourself by finding the saline nasal drops and spray in any of the nearby drug stores. If you get hard to find out then you can simply create mild yet saltwater mixture in your home only, only you have to use a clean, fresh eyedropper or a simple neti pot in order for delivering the saline into the cavities of both nasal and sinus areas.
Steam Inhalation is an Excellent Home Remedy for Turbinate Hypertrophy
An excellent home remedy for turbinate hypertrophy is regular steam inhalation. Steam inhalation may have similar effects of congestion and is one of the easy ways to clear sinuses. The logic behind the steam inhalation is when the steam is inhaled then it thins out the mucus, which is present in the nasal cavity, leading to the complete and easy expulsion.
The persons who are looking forward to getting a better result they could simply add few drops of peppermint or the eucalyptus oil to the hot water and will have to inhale it. The steps to carry on the process of steam inhalation for turbinate hypertrophy are:
At first take an open dish with full of hot water and then you will have to lower the head over the water. Then you have to drape a towel over the back of your head and then cover both the head and the dish, so that the steam cannot go out and stay inside only. Inhale the steam deeply. You will have to continue this procedure for a minimum time interval of fifteen minutes for a single session and three sessions must be performed a day to get a good result for treating turbinate hypertrophy.
Water Intake for Turbinate Hypertrophy
The most powerful method to get rid of blocked airways is by drinking water. It is important for the sufferers of turbinate hypertrophy to consume 2 liters of water everyday in the morning after getting up, as water is a universal home remedy that is known to flush out the toxins from the body furthermore to unclogging of the mucus. There are natural herbal options too like the ginger and the lemon tea that are known to be mostly effective.
Spice Intake as a Home Remedy for Turbinate Hypertrophy
The food we eat can also be a home remedy for turbinate hypertrophy, which helps to get rid of decongesting the sinuses. If raw garlic or chili is added to your food then it helps to get the mucus flowing.
Alternative to ginger and chili is to add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a quarter cup of hot water and then sprinkling with a pinch of cayenne powder can help towards decongesting sinuses. The mix should be consumed twice a day once in the morning and the same should be repeated in the evening also. For those who are looking to get an alternative can also consume onions, hot salsa and some freshly crushed pepper. These options are increasing day by day as they have no side effect and are easy to take.
Environmental Control in Turbinate Hypertrophy
Removing the allergents from the home is a good remedy for turbinate hypertrophy. Experts have proved that one of the chief causes for the congested sinuses is the allergens present in the environment. Therefore, you should install air purifier to remove all the allergens and other irritants from the air that we breathe in.
Other Home Remedies For Turbinate Hypertrophy Include:
- The allergies that cause swelling leads to the blockages in the nasal cavity. Therefore, if we eliminate the allergens from the diet and from the environment can effectively remedy the condition of turbinate hypertrophy.
- If you consume a solution of two tablespoons of raw apple cider vinegar and tea or warm water three times a day. It will loosen and dissolve the thick mucus and relieves turbinate hypertrophy.
- Baking soda eliminates the nasal obstruction. When baking soda is applied or consumed, then it creates an alkaline environment, which helps to wipe out the acid causing inflammation, irritants and toxins.
Recovery Period/Healing Time for Turbinate Hypertrophy
The recovery period/healing time for turbinate hypertrophy depends on upon the doctor being consulted and the mode of treatment going on. You must consult your doctor for any further clarification like the recurrence of it etc…
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