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What Causes Flushed Skin Around The Nose and How To Treat It?

A Flushed Skin around the Nose significantly impacts the way a person looks and also sends waves of fear in people about something sinister going on in their body in the form of a medical condition or an infection. Despite this being the case, Flushed Skin around the Nose is quite common problem and in majority of the cases is caused by dry skin or irritation around the nose. However, if a person experiences any other symptoms aside from the Flushed Skin around the Nose then it is better to consult with a physician to get to the cause and start treatment. In case if a person has pain along with Flushed Skin around the Nose then it is better to consult with a physician right away.[1,2]

The way Flushed Skin around the Nose appears is variable and differs from person to person depending on the underlying cause. The skin color and the severity of the irritation on the skin is also a factor when it comes to the appearance of Flushed Skin around the Nose. In people with dark skin, the Flushed Skin around the Nose will be purple or violet in color. This will make it less visible with naked eye even in severe cases.[1,2]

It is also observed that dermatologists find it tough to identify or diagnose any skin conditions due to the dark complexion.[1,2] The article highlights some of the potential causes and treatment options for Flushed Skin around the Nose.

What Causes Flushed Skin Around The Nose?

What Causes Flushed Skin Around The Nose?

Some of the potential causes for flushed skin around the nose include:

Skin Irritation: The skin usually gets irritated when it is very dry. Simple activities like wiping the nose are good enough to irritate the skin. It is usually seen when the weather outside has relatively low humidity seen usually in the winters. When the skin gets irritated, the area around the irritation becomes purple or red and the person may have while wiping the nose.[2]

Contact Dermatitis: This is also one of the causes of Flushed Skin around the Nose. Contact Dermatitis develops when a person has an allergic reaction to certain substances when they come in contact with the skin. Contact dermatitis can be irritant or allergic. Irritant contact dermatitis causes skin irritation but does not cause any allergic reaction. It causes Flushed Skin around the Nose but aside from that there will be no other symptoms.[2]

Some of the causes of irritant contact dermatitis include certain creams and lotions, fragrant tissues, makeup products, frequent washing of face with soap and water. Allergic contact dermatitis occurs when a person is allergic to a substance and it comes in contact with the skin. The primary symptom of contact dermatitis is Flushed Skin around the Nose. There are also other symptoms that usually appear a couple of days after the exposure to the allergen.[2]

Anaphylaxis: This is also one of the causes of Flushed Skin around the Nose even though it is quite rare. Anaphylaxis is defined as a severe allergic reaction which occurs almost immediately after the exposure to an allergen. The person will have Flushed Skin around the Nose along with problems with breathing and blisters. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and the patient should be immediately taken to the nearest emergency room for treatment.[2]

Rosacea: This is a dermatological disorder that also causes Flushed Skin around the Nose. While it may affect any part of the body but in most cases it begins around the nose. Along with flushed skin, the person may also observe tiny pustules and subtle changes in the appearance of the nose.[2]

Rosacea is quite common and benign condition but it may affect the cosmetic appearance of a person. In some cases, rosacea is also a sign of an underlying autoimmune disorder. This skin disorder is more common in fair skinned people between the age ranges of 30 and 50. Females tend to get it more than males.[2]

Eczema: This is also quite a common cause of Flushed Skin around the Nose. This condition causes skin irritation which at times is so severe that the irritated patches of skin open up and bleed. Dry skin is the primary cause of eczema but people with environmental allergies can also get it when they are exposed to allergens.[2]

Sunburn: Sometimes people get Flushed Skin around the Nose as a result of staying out in hot sun for prolonged period of time and get sunburnt. This may happen if they do not apply sunscreens on their noses or wipe their noses after applying sunscreen too frequently. The best way to find out whether Flushed Skin around the Nose is due to sunburn is to press on the nose and see if the area becomes flesh colored. If the sunburn is severe then it may even result in formation of blisters.[2]

Nasal Vestibulitis: This is an infection that develops at the entrance of the nose and cause Flushed Skin around the Nose. The person may also develop small blisters or bumps around the nose or inside it. There may also be pain and swelling around the nose.[2]

Nasal vestibulitis is a bacterial infection and the bacteria enter the skin of the nose generally after an injury around the entrance of the nose like after sustaining a blow. It is a treatable condition but sometimes it can also spread to other areas of the body and in such cases it is better to consult with a physician and start treatment for it.[2]

Skin Infections: There are many other skin infections that can cause Flushed Skin around the Nose. Cellulitis is the most common infection that usually begins after an injury around the nose. If the skin gets broken or cracked it allows bacteria and other pathogens to enter the body and start spreading. Aside from Flushed Skin around the Nose, the patient may also feel pain and swelling around the nose.[2]

What Can Be Done About Flushed Skin Around The Nose?

What Can Be Done About Flushed Skin Around The Nose?

Flushed Skin around the Nose can be treated both through medications or home remedies. The best way to deal with Flushed Skin around the Nose is to apply moisturizer to the area to keep the skin moist. This is best when treating dry and irritated skin. It should be ensured that the moisturizer used should be fragrance free. Applying Vaseline or other petroleum jelly is also quite effective in treating Flushed Skin around the Nose. However, it should be noted that long term use of this product over the nose may cause some unwanted complications.[2]

Whenever going out in the sun in hot weather conditions, it is a must to use sunscreens especially around the nose to prevent Flushed Skin around the Nose. If a person is suffering from cold then instead of wiping the nose frequently it is best to take medications for it. With regard to medical treatments for Flushed Skin around the Nose, any skin infection can be treated with a course of antibiotics effectively. This is also beneficial for treating conditions like nasal vestibulitis.[2]

If a person has rosacea or other skin disorder, the physician may prescribe lotions and cream which are quite effective. Some people opt for surgery to treat rosacea especially around the nose so that their overall appearance does not get affected. In most cases, however, the flushing fades away no treatment is required for Flushed Skin around the Nose.[2]


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 1, 2022

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