Anaphylaxis is an extremely severe and often at times fatal allergic reaction the symptoms of which can occur within seconds of exposure to presumed allergen. Peanuts and beestings are the known common triggers of Anaphylaxis. The immune system in Anaphylaxis releases many chemicals which send the body into a state of shock. The blood pressure of the patient shoots down rapidly and the airways get constricted. This makes breathing very difficult. The pulse rate of the patient then starts to go down endangering the life of the patient.
Aside from peanuts and bee stings, certain medications also have a side effect profile for Anaphylaxis. Latex is also known to cause anaphylactic reaction. Certain type of fishes and milk is also known to cause Anaphylaxis.
An individual with an anaphylactic reaction requires immediate injection of epinephrine namely EpiPen to calm down the symptoms till the time the patient reaches emergency room for further treatment. Lack of timely treatment for Anaphylaxis more often than not proves fatal for the affected individual.
How Long Does Anaphylaxis Last?
The symptoms of Anaphylaxis especially those associated with respirations calm down almost immediately after administration of epinephrine or adrenaline. In case if these symptoms of Anaphylaxis do not improve then a repeat dosage of the medication is required; however, this is very rare.
Secondary symptoms of Anaphylaxis like abdominal pain and skin rashes take about an hour or two to improve. The symptoms of swelling takes much longer and can last for an entire day to completely go away.
It is extremely vital for people with a history of anaphylactic reaction to carry with them autoinjector or EpiPen with them all the time, especially if they feel that they may get exposed to allergens known to cause anaphylaxis.
Anaphylaxis does not have any cure but if timely steps are taken post exposure to the allergens then it becomes that much easier for physicians to control the symptoms and prevent any complications.
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