HomeGERD & Heartburn Health Center

GERD & Heartburn Health Center

What Does It Mean When You Have Heartburn?

The term heartburn can be misleading at times as it has nothing to do with the heart, even though it contains the word 'heart'....

Do Alkaline Foods Help Acid Reflux?

Alkaline foods do help in managing acid reflux. When the digestion process slows down, the food sits inside the stomach for a longer period...

Can You Get Acid Reflux From Stress?

Gastrointestinal health has an intimate connection with the emotions. Right from telling you about the hunger and to the tougher times of the ulcer,...

Is Lemon Juice Good for Acid Reflux?|Pros & Cons of Lemon Juice for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is caused by stomach liquid, which contains high stomach related acids to break down sustenance, spilling out of the stomach and going...

What Helps With Severe Heartburn?

Heartburn could be the result of problems related to the heart or gastro esophageal reflux disease. Both the cases are entirely different, and therefore,...

What Happens When You Have Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is the result of improper digestion and the misalignment between the upper portions of the body with that of the stomach. The...

What to Drink When You Have Acid Reflux?

Ring shaped valve is present at the entrance of stomach, this is known as LES i.e. lower esophageal sphincter. The opening of LES or...

What Can Trigger Acid Reflux?

We all know acid reflux occurs due to several actions and mainly out of the food that we consume. The other reason for the...

How Can One Get Rid of Heartburn?

How Can One Get Rid of Heartburn? One can get rid of heartburn easily with the help of the following home remedies: Baking Soda Baking Soda can...

How Do You Reduce Acid Reflux?

Unlike any other problem the symptoms of acid reflux is not curable, instead; the symptoms can be prevented. There are some effective ways that...
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