The microorganisms that live in our bodies like bacteria and yeast are known as probiotics. Research says that more than 500 kinds of microorganisms live in our digestive tracts. These organisms are commonly referred as the ‘good bacteria’. A proper count and balance of these organisms help to carry out the digestive process an keep us healthy. In short it can be said that probiotics are the good kind of bacteria which kill the bad bacteria entering our system. Such bacteria can also be found in food like yogurt and these bacteria help in curing acid reflux. Acid reflux is a condition of the digestive tracts where the acids of the stomach flow back to the oesophagus. There are several treatments to control and cure acid reflux and one such therapy is with probiotics.
How are Probiotics Helpful?
The benefit for remaining healthy by probiotics is a recently tested phenomenon. Though the tests are on-going, the researchers say that probiotics are helpful for various illnesses. Other than treating eczema, tooth decay, oral problems, it also helps to treat issues of the digestive tract. Probiotics help to treat acid reflux. Infectious diarrhoea or diarrhoea occurring due to antibiotics can be cured with probiotics. Irritable bowel syndrome can be treated with these ‘good bacteria’. Damaging bacteria which are found in the intestinal tract can be removed by the probiotics as the probiotics prevent the growth of these harmful bacteria and stimulate the immune system.
Can Probiotics Help with Acid Reflux?
Probiotics may help with acid reflux. One of the reasons which lead to acid reflux is excessive gas formation in the stomach. If there is some unwanted bacteria in your stomach it will disrupt the digestion process and get the undigested food fermented. Due to fermentation, there will be a release of excess gas. The gas in turn will give pressure to the LES muscles and make the diaphragm to open. The acids will then pass to the oesophagus. This can be prevented by pro-bacteria by reducing the growth of bad bacteria in your stomach. The healthy balance of bacteria will be regained and the digestion will occur smoothly.
Adding probiotics to our diet is easy. There is certain food it is which contain probiotics and these foods are found easily. Such food items can be included in your daily diet. Some of these food items are:
- Yogurts
- Unpasteurised sauerkraut
- Fermented soft cheese of various kinds
- Sourdough bread
- Kefir
- Miso soup
- Fermented pickles.
Even though food that are pasteurised are known to contain probiotics, you must remember that sometimes pasteurisation kills the living organisms and therefore live culture can always not be found in food known to contain probiotics in health food stores, natural probiotics can be found as an oral supplement. Such can also be taken to cure acid reflux.
When Should You Not Take Probiotics?
Probiotics are not issued and tested by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration since these are no proper medications. Due to this skip in the testing procedure, one might miss the chance to know if the probiotic compound he or she is consuming has some side effects of not. Several manufacturers make probiotics therefore the probiotic supplements vary in quality. In case you are planning to include a probiotic supplement in your diet, always consult your doctor. It is suggested that if you are going through a chronic illness and you are under medication or if you are undergoing a heavy treatment for some disease, then using probiotics is not a healthy habit. Old people and people with very weak and low immune system should also avoid probiotics.