GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease is an illness that occurs to everyone at any time. The reason is due to the fluctuating acids produced in the body during digestion. The digestive system releases enzymes and acids to break the food particles and produce the fuel necessary for the body to function in the right state. However, when you are consuming foods that are adversely affecting the essential part of the body, you are bound to experience adverse effects, which results in GERD, where the acids produced in the stomach rise to the esophagus tube.
How Food Plays a Significant Role In Controlling GERD?
Many of the food products that we consume have a particular pH value along with nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Together, they produce the needed energy for the body to run throughout the day. At the same time, they also ensure that the blood flows smoothly passing the oxygen to every corner of the body. In such a state, the body functions in the comfort zone and the lifespan of the individual increases.
What Foods Should You Avoid If You Have GERD?
When a person is showing signs of vomiting, nausea, and gas that are consistent, then the reason could be due to GERD. Pinpointing the exact reason is important to find a cure rate treatment in such cases. Along with that, avoiding particular foods is also important to treat GERD. The following is the list of foods that alleviate the symptoms of GERD. Avoiding them at any cost is advisable:
- Avoid smoking to treat GERD- the nicotine content lowers the power of esophageal muscle
- Keep away from hard candy and chewing gum, as they increase intake of air which results in development of belching and acid reflux
- Do not nap or lie down immediately after consuming a meal
- Do not eat any snacks before bedtime to prevent GERD
- Avoid dairy or milk products such as whole milk that contains four percent of fat which increases or makes it difficult for the digestive system to break down the particles
- Keep away from creamy vegetables, tomatoes, and fried vegetables
- In case of fruits, ensure that they do not have citrus content to treat GERD
- While opting for bread and grains, make sure that they do not have high fat or manufactured with whole milk
- Keep away from fatty meat, chicken skin, sausage, bacon, and cold cuts
- Do not use any vegetable or animal oils
- Keep away from desserts and chocolates that contain fats and oils
- Avoid alcohol, coffee, carbonated beverages, mint tea
- Do not add chicken, milk, beef, or cream-based soups to the menu to treat GERD.
Is it Possible to Overcome the GERD Situation?
Overcoming GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease is not a tedious procedure. All it requires is the determination and a positive attitude that will help in treating the illness with ease. As food plays a meaningful role in creating or alleviating the symptoms of GERD, avoiding the list of foods as mentioned above will be of immense help. In addition, maintaining a diary is also helpful in case if a person is experiencing symptoms even after avoiding the foods or choosing other products.
If the symptoms of GERD become persistent, approaching a doctor is advisable. The physician will carry out an analysis depending on the indications stated by the patient. Using that as the reference, the doctor will conduct tests in order to find out the underlying cause of GERD. If the recognition is in the first stage, it is possible to cure it by making changes to the food habits and lifestyle.