Headache When Out in the Sun: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Having headache when you are out in the sun is a common complaint, experienced by many people. While headache has many causes, there are various causes of headache when out in the sun too. It is important to know these causes, its symptoms and treatment for the same.

People usually have a headache when they are exposed to sun for prolonged hours. People who are suffering from sinus issues, vertigo or migraine, commonly have headache when exposed to sun for prolonged periods. It is necessary to evaluate the underlying factors that may cause headache when out in the sun.

Headaches are mainly caused during summer months when the sun is too hot. However, people who are prone to headaches may experience such situation in other months also. The sun sensitive population is recommended to cover their head completely prior to moving out of their house to prevent such episodes of headaches.

Causes of Headache When Out in the Sun

Causes of Headache When Out in the Sun

People who are out in the sun during summer and spring months are likely to develop headaches cause by sun exposure. Thus prolonged exposure in the sun is one of the causes of headache when out in the sun.

People who are sensitive to sun often complain of having headaches when out in the sun. If you go out with wet head or just after a hair bath, you are likely to experience headache due to sun exposure. Women are more likely to experience this type of headaches as they often shampoo wash their hair and go out under sun without drying their hair completely. Hence, over-sensitivity to extreme temperatures, having wet hair and sudden changes in temperature are other factors that can trigger headache when out in the sun.

Other common causes of headache when out in the sun include other existing problems like sinus infections, migraines and vertigo. These issues can develop headaches in people when they are exposed to sun for prolonged period of time. Some people may also have headaches when out in the sun due to heredity reasons.

Other prominent causes of headache when out in the sun is reduced sugar levels due to overexertion, changes in blood pressure and dehydration or fluid imbalance due to over exposure in the sun. People suffering from fever may also have this kind of headaches when they go out under sun.

However, the causes of headaches when out in sun are minor in most of the cases and their treatment is available.

Symptoms of Headaches When Out in Sun

Many people are still unaware that they are sensitive to sun and hence they are likely to develop such headaches when out in sun. So, it is necessary to understand the signs and symptoms of headache when out in the sun and treat the condition accordingly.

Some of the commonest symptoms of headache when out in the sun include throbbing pain in the head, feeling of uneasiness, nausea and sometimes even vomiting. Many people also experience irritation of the eyes and oversensitivity to light, making it difficult to look towards bright areas or concentrate. Other common symptoms that accompany headache when out in the sun include soreness and pain in the neck, stiff feeling around the neck muscles. Dehydration is another symptom of headache when out in the sun and is common in people who are sensitive to sunlight. Feverish feeling with malaise is also another symptom of headache when out in sun.

Treatment for Headaches When Out in Sun

Although medications and pain killers are available to eliminate the headaches, but they are not always required for treatment of headaches when out in sun. Also, if required, medicines for headache can be taken as advice by your physician.

The best treatment of headaches when out in sun is lifestyle changes and preventing headaches. People who are sensitive to sunlight are requested to stay inside during daytime. But, if the situation demands and you need to go out under sun, then ensure to cover yourself aptly with proper shields. Umbrella, caps, hats with wide beams or sun coats can protect you from coming under direct contact with sunlight and prevent headache when out in sun.

You must avoid getting dehydrated, as even a little dehydration can lead to severe headache when you are out under sun. Dehydration is considered to be a major cause of headache when out in the sun and migraine many people. Hence, make sure you to drink plenty of water during the daytime and also carry fluids while on the go. Also, make sure that you have food at regular times, as delaying or skipping meals too can cause headache in the sun.

Apart from these remedies, wearing your sunglasses is also crucial for you when you are out under the sun. Covering your eyes when under sun can also reduce the chances of having headaches. You must prefer using sunglasses that come with polarized lenses as it darkens and cut glare and protect the eyes from UV rays of sun. People also prefer wearing light cotton clothing during summers when they are out under the sun. You must avoid being directly under the sun and prefer walking under cool shades to prevent headache when out in sun. Also, washing your face and neck with cool water gives soothing effect, relaxes the muscles and prevents overheating.

This can help to prevent and manage headaches when out in the sun.

These are some of the natural treatment options that can help to prevent and reduce the episodes of headaches when out in the sun. If your headache does not respond to these treatments or if it continues to worsen, you may have to seek medical treatment.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 8, 2017

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