Can You Get A Sexually Transmitted Disease From Yourself?
Yes, of course, a person can get a sexually transmitted disease from yourself. It is mainly because of the negligence that a person acquires the disease. Lack of awareness is one of the major causes of transmission of the disease. Breach in the continuity of mucosa is the major route of transmission of disease that may occur in anal sex. Whenever mucosal lining gets damaged disease transmission chances increases. Skin to skin contact is another route for transmission usually seen in cases of herpes.
These sexually transmitted diseases which usually have a stigma attached to it spread through multiple routes. Initially, it was considered that these diseases transmitted only through coitus, but studies have found out that it can also spread from skin-to-skin contact. There were a few myths regarding STD that these diseases do not spread from oral or anal sex, but that is not true. Wherever there is mucosal involvement there are high chances of bleeding and thus spread of disease. So, one should be aware of the advancement of the disease then only necessary precautions can be taken to prevent the spread of disease.
One can get sexually transmitted disease himself in following ways-
Performing Sex at an Early Age- it has been found that sooner a person is indulging in sexual activities higher the chances of getting an infection. Teenagers under peer pressure to indulge in such activities easily and are prone to get infected soon, so sexual education at an early age is important to prevent the spread of disease. The person involved in sexual activities should be given apt counseling.
Multiple Sexual Partners- Sexually transmitted disease exposes people when the person is involved with multiple sex partners. Thus family counseling is another way to get rid of such problems. A person having a family is quite less involved in such activities as compared to the one who is still unmarried.
Protection- If a person is not using contraceptives then person is bound to get the disease. There are multiple ways by which a person can get the disease. Your safety lies in your own hands. So taking proper precaution is mandatory.
Oral Sex- It is a myth that sexually transmitted disease does not spread through oral and anal sex. Herpes even spread through skin to skin contact and thus proper education regarding each and every disease should be given to the individual.
Negligence- Your own negligence is the main cause of sexually transmitted disease. If one is vigilant enough to visit a doctor, then they may prevent themselves from acquiring a disease. Treatment at an early stage is important.
Birth Spacing – When proper spacing is done chances of sexually transmitted decreases.
Illicit Drugs- Sexually transmitted disease even occurs more commonly in intravenous drug users who share syringes with one another. Proper rehabilitation is needed for such people so that disease can be controlled.
Repeated Blood Transfusion- A person requiring repeated transfusions as in case of thalassemia, anemia where the person did not get the blood check before transfusion. It is all about awareness. A person should be aware of safe blood transfusions. Blood should be tested for HIV, hepatitis and other blood-borne infections.
Sex education is the primary way by which a person can prevent themselves from acquiring the disease. One can surely get the disease from themselves and on the other hand, one can prevent it too.
Who is More Prone to Get the Disease?
- Unmarried person
- Teenagers who under peer pressure to perform the sexual act.
- Homosexuals
- Prostitutes
So, it totally depends on the person as to how can one get infected. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important. Besides there is a social hoodoo attached to sexually transmitted diseases, which prevent the individuals from reporting to the clinic. Thus, the first of all people should be educated to deal with this situation. Initial signs and symptoms should be noticed at the earliest onset and an appropriate measure should be taken accordingly.
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