Herpetic Whitlow or Whitlow Finger: Recovery, Prevention, Home Remedies, Prognosis

A herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger is a swelling at the tip of the finger. Herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger is caused by the cold sore virus which is also known as herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Home Remedies for Herpetic Whitlow or Whitlow Finger

In this section you will learn about recovery period for herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger, prevention, home remedies, prognosis and lifestyle changes for herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.

Recovery Period for Herpetic Whitlow or Whitlow Finger

The time required for recovering from herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger can vary from one person to another and also on the infection severity. Within thirty days a patient can be recovered from herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.

Prevention of Herpetic Whitlow or Whitlow Finger

Prevention of herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger is better than finding the cure for it; therefore prevent yourself from any exposure to infection. People dealing in healthcare industries can make use of hand gloves, sanitizers, regular and strict washing of hands and can follow global fluid precautions for better health and safe living. According to the latest medical research in the related field it has been demonstrated that herpes virus in present in 6.5% of tracheotomies patients and 2.5% of patients who are suffering from asymptomatic.

People should follow cautions while dealing with patients of herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger. Parents and caretakers of children can restrict themselves so as to avoid any lesions contact to stop further spread of herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.

  • One of the best ways to prevent herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger infection in to completely stay away from infected people and from virus contact. In condition of infection sores use of ibuprofen as well as acetaminophen is preferred. These painkillers give quick relief from fever or soreness. To deal with the condition of swelling or discomfort you can use ice packs or effective cooling compressors.
  • Personal towels along with hygienic items should not be shared with anyone and thus it will stop herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger to much extent.
  • To restrict further spread of herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger popping of blisters is strictly prohibited.
  • Use of bandage to cover affected finger with herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger is must.
  • Hand gloves can be used for preventing herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger while doing regular daily activities.
  • Proper medication can make you recover fast from herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.
  • It is preferred to avoid mouth contact with someone who has visible skin scabs on face, lips and hands. It reduces the danger of directly transmitting HSV virus from one another.
  • Make use of steaming water for cleaning things that are used by others and which can come in contact with your mouth later.
  • People having oral and finger herpes in past can avoid its reappearance by avoiding direct exposure to triggers such as direct sun linght.
  • Healthy Immune system can make you fight against herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.
  • Keep away from touching blisters lesions in herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.
  • Never touch mouth with the finger infected with herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.

Home Remedies for Herpetic Whitlow or Whitlow Finger

Simple home remedies can help in preventing the spread of HSV virus and thus herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger. Painkillers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can give relief from pain or fever that is caused by HSV 1 and HSV 2 virus sores. Swelling or any discomfort can be reduced through ice packs and other cooling compressors.

There are few suggested instructions which are necessary to stop the spread of virus infection during prodrome phase which is characterized by burning, itching and tingling as well as active phase that occurs with the presence of blisters.

  • Popping of blister can lead to worse condition so it should be avoided as much as possible. This is a good home remedy for herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.
  • Another home remedy for herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger is to cover the hands with gloves to ensure proper care.
  • A bandage should be used for covering any infected area in.
  • Towels and items of personal care should not be shared with others.

Unfortunately, there are chances that virus of herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger can be further transmitted after such precautions. This occurs very rarely in patients who do not have any active lesions.

Prognosis for Herpetic Whitlow or Whitlow Finger

For any uncomplicated cases of herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger the prognosis becomes much easier and simpler which can be resolution with in time period of three to four weeks.

Lifestyle Changes for Herpetic Whitlow or Whitlow Finger

Simple and temporary lifestyle changes can help in managing and prevention of herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger from recurrence. Herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger is a painful infection of fingers which affects terminal phalanx and can be cured through few changes in daily activities. Through simple care and precautions you can keep yourself away from herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger. It is estimated that 60 percent of the herpetic whitlow cases are caused by HSV 1 while rest of the 40 percent cases are results of HSV2 virus.

  • One simple temporary lifestyle change is to properly dressing the infected area of fingers so as to stop any further spread of herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger.
  • Another lifestyle change is to stop draining the liquid of red spots on the fingers, if you drain, the bacterial infection will spread to other parts of the body.
  • To protect the eyes from contamination use of contact lenses should be avoided for sometimes.
  • In case of severe painful herpetic whitlow or whitlow finger usage of paracetamol as well as ibuprofen is highly recommended.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 29, 2019

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