How High is Too High for a Fever & What are the Quickest Ways to Get Down the Fever?

About Fever

Fever is a common symptom associated with increase in body temperature due to an underlying infection. It is a defence mechanism of the body to fight against underlying disease. In most of the cases, rise in temperature is a normal sequence of the underlying condition and nothing to worry about. However, if the temperature cannot be brought under control or if the temperature is abnormally high, it is an indication of an emergency situation.

How High is Too High for a Fever & What are the Quickest Ways to Get Down the Fever?

How High is too High for a Fever?

Based on the age group of the patients, it is important to look for the following when he or she is suffering from fever:

Infants Up to 3 Months Old:

If the patient is below 3 months, rectal temperature of 100.4 degree F or more should be treated as an emergency. The child should be rushed to the emergency department immediately for proper medical attention for fever. It may be an indication of potentially serious illness.

Children Between 3 Months and 3 Years Old:

If the child is between 3 months and 3 years of age, temperature higher than 103.2 degree F should alert the parents. It is important to take the child to the emergency room immediately so that he or she is evaluated for presence of any serious health issues causing fever.


If the temperature is 107.6 degree F or more, the patient should be taken to the hospital immediately. Reaching a temperature this high is rare and often provoked by external factors such as exposure to extremely high temperature, presence of neurological condition, or presence of other serious medical issues.

It is also important to look for signs and symptoms associated with the fever, irrespective of the actual temperature recorded. Any abnormal behaviour or symptoms seen with fever should be dealt seriously and reported to a physician as soon as possible.

Quickest Ways To Get Down The Fever

Medications to Bring the Fever Down: The most effective way to bring down a temperature is by taking medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These are anti-pyretic drugs and helps is bringing down the temperature.

Cold Sponging: Sponging the body with tepid water can help in lowering the temperature of the body quickly due to the cooling effect of the water from the surface of the body during evaporation. Baths in lukewarm water is also beneficial. Placing damp wash cloth over the forehead, armpits and groin can also aid in lowering the temperature.

Herbal Tea to Bring Down The Fever: Certain herbal tea such as yarrow tea, elderflower tea and ginger tea have the natural property to bring down temperature.

Spicy Food: Spicy food has the ability to cause sweating and thus reduce temperature. However, care should be taken as spicy food may trigger digestive issues. Also, it is important to consult the physician to know if the patient can be given spicy food during fever or not as certain conditions like Enteric fever or Typhoid which weaken the digestive system can get worse with spicy food.

Wet Sock Treatment or Cold Sheets: In this method, the patient is made to wear wet socks and a thick pair of woollen socks over the wet socks. This increases the circulation and thus increases the body heat. In cold sheet method, the patient is wrapped in a sheet soaked in water, and then wrapped again in a thick blanket to retain the heat.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 3, 2024

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