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What is Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome & How is it Treated?

What Is Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome?

Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome is an extremely rare pathological dermatological disorder which affects children between the ages of one to nine years. The primary presenting feature of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome is blisters on the surface of the skin, especially in the legs, hips, and the upper extremities.

Normally a viral infection is a precursor to the development Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome. Hepatitis B is the offending virus that is believed to be responsible for most cases, especially in North America, of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome.

What Is Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome?

What Are The Causes Of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome?

As stated above, hepatitis B virus is the root cause for most of the cases of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome. The hepatitis B virus causes an abnormal reaction which results in the development of blisters on the surface of the skin characteristic of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome.

There are also other viruses which are believed to be responsible for the development of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome. Why this abnormal reaction occurs as a result of the virus is still a matter of investigation and the exact reasons for this are not known.

What Are The Symptoms Of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome?

As stated, the primary presenting feature of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome is the appearance of blisters on the surface of the skin. These blisters are typically found on the arms, buttocks, legs, and face. There may or may not be itching associated with the blisters.

These blisters are filled with fluid. Upper respiratory infection may also be associated with Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome. The duration of these blisters is usually a month and then they tend to fade away.

The rate of recurrence of these blisters is very low. Coxsackievirus, Hepatitis-B and infectious mononucleosis are some of the viral infections that are believed to cause Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome.

How Is Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome Treated?

Since Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome is a self limiting condition, there is no specific treatment for this disorder and treatment is basically directed at the symptoms associated with this disorder.

To treat the itching associated with Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome, topical ointments or oral medications can be given for relief of symptoms. The symptoms associated with Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome typically resolve within a month but in some cases it may take up to a couple of months for the symptoms to resolve.

In cases of hepatitis and lymphadenopathy it may take more aggressive treatments for a longer duration of time for the symptoms of Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome to completely resolve.


  1. National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) – Gianotti-Crosti Syndrome: https://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/gianotti-crosti-syndrome/

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 1, 2023

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