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How Long Is Recovery From Morton’s Neuroma Surgery?

Morton’s neuroma refers to a condition wherein the tissue around one of the many nerves going to your toes gets thickened. This condition affects the ball of the foot and the region between the third toe and fourth toes is most commonly affected. With Morton’s neuroma, it may feel as if you are standing on a small stone in your shoe or there is a fold in your sock. This condition can lead to a sharp pain or a burning sensation in the ball of the foot. The toes may also feel numb in some cases.

How Long Is Recovery From Morton’s Neuroma Surgery?

Usually, a surgery for Morton’s neuroma is recommended if conservative treatment measures fail to give a positive result. If so, surgery is generally done under a general anesthesia. An injection given in the foot that will create a numbing sensation after surgery. A small cut is taken on upper side of the foot and between the toes over the area of the neuroma. Then the neuroma is exposed and carefully extracted.

Immediately after the surgery is done, the doctor will bandage the foot. You will not feel any pain and your foot will also be numb. Thereafter, a physiotherapist will guide you through your personal rehabilitation and walking in a shoe, which is padded will be likely advised by the physiotherapist. Once you feel comfortable enough, you would be able to go home. Some prescription for pain relief and a follow-up visit will be given to you.

In the first few weeks after the surgery, you will be advised to keep your foot elevated as much as possible. The foot should be elevated above your heart level. You will be advised not to put unnecessary weight on your operated leg. Move only when extremely necessary, like washing or using the toilet. Your bandage may show some blood ooze stains. If you feel it is excessive, or not as it should be, you must consult your doctor immediately. You can take painkillers for the pain, as prescribed by your doctor.

The time healing may differ from person to person, as everyone has a unique body constitution. However, a general schedule for follow up can be charted as below-

At 2 Weeks– you will be called into the surgery to get your bandage removed and your foot examined

At 6 Weeks– you will be called to get your shoe removed and your foot will be then re-examined

At 12 Weeks– you will be called in for a final check-up and medicines will be continued or discontinued according to your condition at that moment.

The consultant or surgeon will guide you on what kind of footwear to be used following the surgery and during the recovery period. He will also advise you on how much time you would take to recover. This may differ from person to person. However, generally, between 0 to 6 weeks you will be able to carry your complete weight in the hospital shoe and after about 6 weeks, you will be able to completely bear your weight in your own shoes

A physiotherapist will explain to you the toe mobilization exercises, exercises for swelling reduction and reduction in muscle tightness.

As a long-term outcome, there will be a good pain relief after the wound has completely healed, which will take around 2 to 4 weeks. You will be able to restart most of your activities and sports by the end of three months. However, a complete recovery may take up to six months full. In most cases, surgery has a good recovery rate. However, there may be a mild swelling in the foot for up to one year, on and off. There may be some numbness in the toe.

A complete Recovery from Morton’s neuroma may take anywhere between 4 to 6 months, on an average.


  1. Mayo Clinic. “Morton’s Neuroma: Diagnosis & Treatment.” https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/mortons-neuroma/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20351949
  2. OrthoInfo – American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. “Morton’s Neuroma.” https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/diseases–conditions/mortons-neuroma

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 18, 2023

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