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Top of the Foot Pain: Statistics, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Exercises

“There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world!” As wonderful as this alluring saying is the foot we all carry with us. Perhaps our foot is the only carriage we have in our life that carries our step forward in the journey. Imagining this fact lets we all know how crucial the foot is for any life existing in this world. With all the steps forwarding towards a beautiful life, there comes a time at some part of our living that our feet starts showing its pain and restricts us taking a step ahead. Here is the phase when we suffer from a kind of severe pain in our foot and that requires immediate precautions and necessary treatments. So coming straight on this, let us now talk about one of the major pain our feet experiences, i.e. the top of the foot pain. It is true, pain on the top of the foot can actually effect our lives greatly. There may be chances our regular activities like walking, running or even standing may turn troublesome. So someone who suffers from such a pain on the top of the foot obviously worries about his steps forward in his life and thus looks for various remedies or treatments to be practiced as much possible in his way.

Top of the Foot Pain

Top Of The Foot Pain And Its Statistics:

Our feet are actually very much complex structures well built and strong enough to carry our weight and absorb the shock experienced with each of our steps. Each of the foot is made of 26 bones, 33 joints and about more than 100 muscles, ligaments and nerves that can hold our weight and help us move forward with each step. However, as we know that excessive stress on anything can lead to breakdown, overuse of the foot can cause top of the foot pain and disturb the normal activities of our daily lives requiring the use of feet like walking, running or standing.

It is noted that on an average people take around 10,000 steps and stand for about five hours every day. Now this is absolutely more than a stress that can lead to injury or cause top of the foot pain. Top of the foot pain can either be mild or maybe severe, can be intermittent or chronic. For a surprising belief about 75% of Americans get encountered with the foot pain at some part of their lives. This is really big stats!

More about the top of the foot pain can be known from the following array of the article.

Symptoms Of Top Of The Foot Pain

Symptoms Of Top Of The Foot Pain:

To begin with, let us know about the symptoms of the pain on the top of the foot.

  • Tenderness experienced in the foot
  • Experiencing warmth at the site of the pain on the foot top
  • Swelling is seen on top of the foot
  • Redness of the pain site can be seen
  • Troublesome walking, running and even standing, depending on the causes and severity of the pain
  • There may be worse pain while walking or standing in case of top of the foot pain.

Major Causes For Top Of The Foot Pain:

Now here comes the section where we will be discussing about the major causes of the top of the foot pain or dorsal foot pain. Check below for the concerned list.

  • Overuse of the feet, like excessive walking, running or standing
  • Wearing improperly fitting shoes for long time.
  • Tendonitis may also lead to top of the foot pain. Apart from this, diseases like arthritis, gout and diabetes also lead to top of the foot pain.
  • Bone spurs, stress fractures, sprains etc
  • Nerve entrapment.
  • Pregnancy, aging and some kind of hormonal imbalance can cause top foot pain
  • Medication may also lead to the pain at the top of the foot
  • Ingrown toenail.

Walking And Running-Major Cause For Pain On Top Of The Foot:

A famous saying about walking goes like, “walking is the ancient exercise that is still the best.” So we all are well aware of the benefits of walking and in fact most of us go for regular walking. However turning the coin to its other side, walking or running when done out of the limit can lead to a dark or painful phase on the top of the foot. So our clear idea of mentioning this here is to let you know that excessive walking or running can cause pain on the top of the foot and for your kind information, it is perhaps one of the top causes leading to pain on top of the foot or dorsal foot pain. Now, here below we will be discussing on some of the conditions that are generated due to walking, or running and which might lead to the top of the foot pain.

  1. Stress Fractures Due To Excessive Walking Or Running: Repetitive use of the foot while walking, running or kicking like activities may lead to a sudden breakage of one bone in the foot, usually the metatarsal which is termed as stress fractures. Here begins the top of the foot pain. Symptoms may be severe pain in the top of the foot and also tenderness in the pain site. Rest, ice massage, medication and limitations can be effective in reducing the pain.
  2. Tibialis Anterior Tendonitis: This is one more condition caused due to excessive walking or running and may lead to the top of the foot pain. In this condition, there is usually an inflammation or degeneration of the Tibialis Anterior Tendon in front of the ankle which may lead to symptoms of severe pain in the foot and the ankle.
  3. Extensor Tendonitis Due To Overuse Of Feet Via Walking, Running Etc: Amongst all the major causes of top of the foot pain due to walking or running; comes the Extensor Tendonitis which is again another condition caused due to excessive use of feet like in walking, running, kicking etc. Usually this condition is identified by the symptoms like swelling, tenderness and pain on the top of the foot due to inflammation. Maybe odd fitting footwear, or maybe walking or running over rough and irregular surface for long etc can cause such a painful condition. Rest, medications, prescribed stretches etc can help you come out of the pain.

When To Visit A Doctor For Top Of The Foot Pain:

You must know when to ask for the help!” So, this is the portion where you can get to know about the conditions or the exact phase when you must visit a doctor for diagnosing and treating the top of the foot pain. So the prime time you must take your step forward for visiting a healthcare professional before your feet get stuck and restricts taking any step further is the immediate moment you start experiencing any kind of pain on the top of your foot. It is always important to visit a doctor at the early stages of the pain and go for necessary treatments as prescribed. In case you have met with any kind of injury or stress fractures; it is recommended to go for immediate treatment without any ignorance.

Diagnosis For Top Of The Foot Pain:

Let us now look upon the list mentioning about the diagnosis procedures followed to examine the condition of top of the foot pain.

  • Your doctor would take a look on your condition and perform a visual and a physical examination by using the weight bearing and the non-weight bearing movements.
  • Your previous medical history will be taken into consideration by your healthcare provider and you will be asked about the pain, the severity of the pain and the causes that might have led to the top of the foot pain.
  • You will also have to undergo some diagnosis tests and examinations like the bone scans, X-rays, MRIs etc so as to rule out any specific injuries or conditions which might lead to the pain on the top of the foot.

Treatments For Top Of The Foot Pain:

Like any other health conditions, the treatment for the top of the foot pain surely depends on the severity as well as the causes of the pain. Let us look upon the possible treatments and necessary precautions to be taken for reducing or eradicating the pain on the top of the foot.

  • RICE as the ideal treatment process for Top of the Foot Pain: RICE is the pre-eminent treatment procedure you will be requiring so as to treat self from the top of the foot pain. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Here, rest is highly essential and so as the application of ice in the affected area of the foot for at least 20 minutes at a time. Compression and elevation processes are also advised in this treatment.
  • Medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, Tylenol etc for reducing the pain and eradicating the discomfort faced due to the pain on the top of the foot. Take necessary medications for severe conditions
  • Surgery in rarest and severe most cases
  • Use of orthotics, braces, etc.,
  • Stretches for foot muscles
  • You may also require crutches to eradicate necessary pain of the foot.

Apart from the treatments mentioned above, there are some necessary treatments needed to be taken for reducing or controlling the pain on the top of the foot. Check out the below mentioned preventive steps and safeguard self from the pain becoming worse.

  • Avoid improperly fitting shoes
  • Use shoe inserts or orthotics for precautions
  • Limit your activities in case you have started experiencing the mild symptoms of top of the foot pain.
  • Know the underlying causes and take necessary steps to eradicate the cause leading to top of the foot pain.
  • Avoid overuse of feet and limit excess of standing, walking and running.

Effective Stretches And Exercises For Top Of The Foot Pain:

Finally before ending, let us discuss in brief about some of the effective exercises for top of the foot pain.

  • Sitting Plantar Fascia Stretch For Top Of The Foot Pain:
    • Sit on a chair, keep one feet on the ground, and place the other foot on the knee of the feet that is on the ground.
    • Pull back the toe towards your body for a limit you get to feel a comfortable stretch.
    • Now keep this for at least 15-30 seconds and repeat the same for at least 3 times.
    • Go for such a session for at least 4 times a day

      Sitting Plantar Fascia Stretch For Top Of The Foot Pain

  • Plantar Fascia Stretch To Ease Pain on Top of the Foot:
    • Sit down and keep the arch of your foot on a round object like the tin of the cold drink cans.
    • Roll the arch in all directions for few minutes.
    • Follow this stretch at least two times a day.

      Plantar Fascia Stretch To Ease Pain on Top of the Foot

  • Achilles Tendon and Plantar Fascia Stretch for Top of the Foot Pain:
    • Loop a towel around the foot, especially the top of the foot or around the ball of the foot
    • Pull your toes through the towel towards you
    • Make sure you are keeping your knee straight
    • keep this for at least 30 seconds
    • Repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day.

      Achilles Tendon and Plantar Fascia Stretch for Top of the Foot Pain

  • Towel Pickup Exercise For Top of the Foot Pain:
    • Sit on a chair and place your foot on a towel on the ground
    • Try to pick the towel by folding your toes inwards and grabbing the towel
    • Do this for at least 20 times at a time
    • As you find yourself with enough of progression with the exercise, goforan addition of weight on the towel and repeat the steps.

      Towel Pickup Exercise For Top of the Foot Pain

  • Short Foot Exercise To Ease Pain on Top of the Foot:
    • Short foot exercise involves simple standing on barefoot and driving the big toe into the ground as a part of contraction move. This can be done anytime and also many times in a day while performing other activities like brushing of teeth, cooking or waiting at the bus stop etc.

      Short Foot Exercise To Ease Pain on Top of the Foot

    • Other exercisesfortop of the foot pain involves the simple balancing exercises like the single leg squats, single leg deadlifts which can help you strengthen the foot muscle and build enough balance.

      Single Leg Deadlifts

      Single Leg Squats


Remember, “The thing that is hurting today will only hurt worse tomorrow if you don’t change something!” Giving a deep thought on this meaningful saying it must be understood that the top of the foot pain you are suffering from in the current time may be prevented by changing your lifestyle, by following the necessary precautions and taking the required treatments. So it is recommended to reach a professional foot doctor and go for the immediate diagnosis and prescribed treatment with the early onset of the symptoms of top of the foot pain.

“It is good to grow stronger through the pain and not letting the pain destroying you!”


  1. American Podiatric Medical Association. (n.d.). Top of Foot Pain https://www.apma.org/Patients/FootHealth.cfm?ItemNumber=982
  2. Mayo Clinic. (2021). Foot Pain https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/foot-pain/basics/causes/sym-20050792

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 22, 2023

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