While it is important to be active, people with hip or knee joint problems, may find it difficult to go for walks or exercise. But physical therapy exercises can help in keeping the joint in motion, thus reducing the pain. In this article, we look at the best physical therapy exercises for hip pain.
11 Physical Therapy Exercises For Hip Pain
Hip pain can be caused due to a wide variety of problems. It leads to a lot of discomforts. The pain in the hip due to arthritis or bursitis can make many movements such as walking, climbing, and bending really difficult. The first line to treatment directs towards being active. There are various physical therapy exercises for hip pain, which can help in reducing the pain and giving comfort. The exercises can be started gradually which can build up over the time.
Here are some of the most effective physical therapy exercises for hip pain.
#1. Hip Flexion
Hip flexion is a hip strengthening exercise and one of the simplest physical therapy exercise for hip pain.
Stand on a plane surface. Bring your knees up towards your chest, alternately. Do not go above ninety degrees. It is just like marching on the surface.
#2. Hip Abduction
This is another hip strengthening exercise and can even be done to keep up the strength of the gluteus muscle. This physical therapy exercise for hip pain also helps to stabilize the hip joint and improve balance.
Keep the body straight and lift the leg sideways. Be careful that the leg does not rotate outward. Hold for five seconds and then bring it back slowly. The body should be kept straight throughout the process. You can hold on to a support such as a chair or work surface.
#3. Hip Extension
Another important physical therapy exercise for hip pain, which can be conveniently done even by beginners.
Stand straight holding on to a work surface. Move the leg backward, keeping the knee straight. Clench the buttock tightly and hold onto the position for five seconds. Keep straight and do not lean forward.
#4. Heel to Buttock Exercise
Heel to buttock exercise not only helps to strengthen the hip but also works on the hamstrings and thigh muscles. This is one of the most effective physical therapy exercises for hip pain.
Bend the knee and lift the heel upwards towards the bottom. Keep the knees in line, with the kneecap pointing toward the floor. Keep the body straight or hold onto a support for the same.
#. 5 Mini Squat
Apart from being a physical therapy exercise for hip pain, the mini squat is also a strengthening exercise.
Squat down with your knees coming in the line above your toes. If possible hold in position for five seconds. You can also take the support of the work surface.
#6. Short Arc Quadriceps
This is a great physical therapy exercise for hip pain, which also work effectively to strengthen the thighs and stabilize the knees.
Lie down on a plane surface and roll a towel or a cloth, and place it underneath the knee. Keep the back of the knee over the towel and raise your foot off the floor by straightening the knee. Hold onto the position for 5 seconds and then lower the foot down slowly.
#7. Quadriceps Strengthening Exercise
This is a physical therapy exercise for hip pain and to strengthen the quads, which are the muscles on the front of the thighs.
Lie down on the floor and keep the leg straight. Pull the toes and the ankle towards yourself, firmly pressing the knees towards the ground. There should be a feeling of tightness in the front of the leg. Hold in the position for 5 seconds, then release. Patients who find it uncomfortable can sit and do the same exercise.
#8. Stomach Exercise
This is a static exercise and a part of the physical therapy exercises for hip pain. It helps in stabilizing and strengthening the hip as well as the back. To perform this exercise, you have to lie down on your back with the knees bent. Put the hands under the lower back. Now pull the belly button down towards the floor. Hold on for 20 seconds then release.
#9. Bridging
Bridging is another strengthening exercise to be included in the most important physical therapy exercises to reduce hip pain. Lie down on the back, with the knees bent and the feet flat on the floor. Lift up the pelvis and the lower back off the floor. Hold onto the position for 5 seconds, and then lower down slowly. Repeat it 5-6 times.
#10. Knee Lift
Knee lift is a type of stretching exercise often recommended to relieve hip pain. Also, known as knee to chest stretch, it is one of the best physical therapy exercises for hip pain.
Lie down on the back. Pull one knee towards the chest, keeping the other leg straight. For those having strain in the back can keep the other leg in the knee raised and feet flat on the floor position. Hold on for 10 seconds then relax. Repeat with the other knee. Repeat it 5-10 times. If you find it difficult to do, slide the heel towards the bottom in the beginning. As soon as it becomes comfortable, do it by pulling the knee up.
#11. External Hip Rotation
Being another physical therapy exercise for hip pain, external hip rotation also proves to be very beneficial in opening the hip joint to relieve stiffness.
Sit with the knee bent and the feet joined together. Press the knees downwards with hands. You can also lie down on your back, parting your knees keeping the feet together. Take the knees down to the point you feel stretch, hold it for 10 seconds and then relax. This can be repeated 5-10 times.
Some people, during initial days may experience some pain in the muscles after exercising. However, such pain and soreness is gradually relieved when exercises are properly continued. An important point to be noted while doing the above exercises is to do them within the pain limits. Never overstretch yourself if in pain. If the pain in the bones and the muscles last for a more than a week, seek advice from a physical therapist. Remember to be active and carry on with the exercises once you feel better, with medical advice to prevent the symptoms from returning.
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