Patients suffering with fibromyalgia have done better when involved in regular passive excercises.1 Fibromyalgia is the inflammatory muscular disease that causes wide spread pain in several muscles simultaneously.
Most of the Fibromyalgia Pain Is Located Over Following Muscles-
- Back of the neck
- Back of the shoulder
- Shoulder blade
- Front and backside of upper arm
- Front and back side of lower thigh
- Calf muscles
- Muscles on side of back bones (vertebrae) in neck, mid back and lower back.
- Abdominal muscles
Listed Below Are The 10 Best Exercises For Fibromyalgia:
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 1: Head Press For Neck And Shoulder Blade Muscles
Pain in the neck and shoulder region or the upper back is very common in fibromyalgia (FM), in fact, fibromyalgia pain often first shows up in the upper back region of shoulder, neck and head areas. Exercising can be quite beneficial is helping you cope with the fibromyalgia pain in neck and shoulder blade muscles.
- Lie flat on back with leg straight and flat on ground.
- Head lies on inflated pillow.
- Press head against pillow- pillow is squash to flat.
- Lift head up.
- Do it 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain behind the neck and the shoulder blade muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 2: Head and Shoulder Elevation Exercise For Upper Back, Arm And Neck Muscles.
- Lie on stomach with face on the ground.
- Keep both hand on the side of shoulder joint
- Lift the upper body straight up from ground
- Hold until you finish count anywhere from 5 to 10.
- Bring the body back flat on ground
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in upper back, arms and neck muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 3: Shoulder Press Exercise For Shoulder Blade And Upper Arm Muscles
- Lie flat on back with leg bent at knee joint.
- Keep one thicker or larger size pillow under both shoulder and one thin pillow under head
- Press both shoulder simultaneously down toward the ground. Keep head in neutral position.
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in shoulder blade and upper arm muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 4: Back Press To Ground Exercise For Mid Back Muscles
- Lie flat on your back
- Fold upper arm in front of chest
- Flex lower leg at knee and hip
- Press back towards ground while lifting head from ground
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in mid back muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 5: Backward Stretch Exercise For Lower And Mid Back Muscles.
- This exercise is done in standing position
- Hold both hand behind the head
- Lean backward as much as possible.
- Hold the backward stretch position until you finish count anywhere from 5 to 10.
- Bring the body back to original position.
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in lower and mid back muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 6: Pelvic Bridge Exercise for Lower Back Muscles.
- Lie flat on back
- Fold upper arm in front of chest
- Flex knee while lying flat on back.
- Lift the lower body up
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in lower back muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 7: Knee-Chest Exercise For Abdominal and Thigh Muscles.
- Lie flat on back
- Keep both legs flat on ground
- Bring one leg at a time to chest by flexing at knee and hip joint
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in abdominal and thigh muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 8: Heel Drag Exercise For Thigh And Calf Muscles.
- Lie flat on back
- Both leg flat on ground
- Drag the heel of one of the leg towards buttocks as much as possible.
- Hold the heel in that position and slowly drag the heel back to original position.
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in thigh and calf muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 9: Knee Press Exercise For Back Of Thigh And Calf Muscles.
- Lie flat on back
- Rest the knee joint over roll of bed sheet or towel.
- Press lower leg firmly over roll of bed sheet.
- Lift the lower foot above ground while pressing the towel with knee joint.
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in back of thigh and calf muscles.
Fibromyalgia Exercise # 10: Adductor Muscle Exercise (With Ball) For Leg Muscles.
- Lie flat on back
- Bend both the leg at hip and knee.
- Rest the leg over ground with both feet firmly placed over the ground.
- Hold the ball or a roll of bed sheet between the upper legs above knee joint.
- Press the ball or roll of bed sheet with thigh muscles while closing both the legs.
- Relax the compression while holding the ball or roll of bed sheet between thigh muscles.
- Repeat the exercise for 10 times.
This exercise is helpful for fibromyalgia pain in leg muscles.
Also Read:
- Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS): Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Treatment, Tests
- FAQ on Fibromyalgia: Symptoms, 11 Painful Trigger Points, Causes, Risk Factors
- Is Fibromyalgia Pain Real?|Are Opioids an Effective Treatment for Fibromyalgia
- Yoga for Fibromyalgia: 4 Best Asanas To Relieve Painful Tender Points
- Can You Get Disability Benefits for Fibromyalgia
Also Watch:
- The Association between Exercise Enjoyment and Physical Activity in Women with Fibromyalgia.
Umeda M, Marino CA, Lee W, Hilliard SC.
Int J Sports Med. 2014 May 9.