Multiple system atrophy is a progressive neurological condition affecting the autonomous nervous system.1 The condition is presented by the symptoms involving various organs. Various coping mechanisms are implemented to maintain a healthy life and to ensure that patient stay positive and effectively manage the symptoms.
How To Cope With Multiple System Atrophy?
Multiple system atrophy affects the autonomous nervous system.1 It is that share of the brain that controls the involuntary functions. The function generally includes maintenance of physiological homeostasis such as blood pressure and temperature control. The condition is progressive, and the severity increases with time. The symptoms presented by the patient depend upon the severity of the disease and the area under effect. The coping mechanisms of the symptoms of multiple system atrophy depend upon the type of organ affected. Following are the various coping strategies that can be adopted in multiple system atrophy-
Sharing– Do share your feelings and symptoms with your family and friends. Sharing the feeling and symptoms with them will help you relieve the burden. Further, do not hide any information regarding the new symptoms from them as it will help in assisting you more effectively and if the symptoms are serious, then they will take you to the hospital for physician’s consultation.
Togetherness– Isolation increases negative vibes. Try to maintain a bond with your friends and family. Further, indulge in those tasks that keep you busy so that you have no time to think about the disease.
Be Informed– When you have all the information about the disease regarding its symptoms and prognosis, you are more than ready to face the challenges due to multiple system atrophy. This will allow you to prepare with the adverse consequences of the disease.
Stay Positive– Always stay positive and maintain optimism towards life for better coping with MSA. Diseases are the part of life and your thoughts should be directed for the effective management of the disease. The more you think about negative consequences, the more you develop the stress leading to other neurological complications. Try to retain good memories of life.
Act Slowly– Multiple system atrophy causes abnormality in the muscles leading to increased risk of falling. The muscles become stiff and the movement becomes tough. You should walk slowly to avoid mobility risks.
Exercise– Slow exercise is beneficial in preventing the stiffness of the muscles. Further therapy is required to manage dysphagia. Voice therapy reduces the slurring of speech and helps control the pitch and tone of voice.
Take Help– Never ever shy to ask for help. There are things that you cannot do when you have multiple system atrophy. Further, asking for help increases the bond and also allows you to perform daily activities. However, you should not rely completely on the help of others as it will make you dependent and then this makes your condition to get worsened.
Laugh– Laughter is the best stress reliever. Stay happy and live life the fullest.
Consult Your Doctor– Ask your doctor anything and everything you want to know about multiple system atrophy. This will help you to manage the symptoms and also allow you to interact with the doctor if there are any new or weird symptoms.
Take Medications As Prescribed– This is an important factor that allows you to live your life without any risk. As multiple system atrophy affect various organs and physiological functions simultaneously, it is possible that you are prescribed with various medications such as antihypotensive, insomnia drugs, and drugs for constipation. You should take your medication at the time and dose as prescribed.
Coping mechanisms for multiple system dystrophy depends upon the type of organ affected. For instance, in the condition of MSA-C, the muscles of the body are predominantly affected. Thus the person is advised to walk slowly to reduce the risk of falling. Other coping methods include stay positive, join the group involving such patients and to take the medications as prescribed.
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