Autonomic neuropathy refers to a condition of the autonomic nervous system in which the nerves that control the involuntary functions in the body get damaged due to some reason. This damage may cause difficulty in functions like blood pressure control, temperature regulation, bladder control, digestion function, sexual function, etc.(1)
Can Autonomic Neuropathy Go Away On Its Own?
Autonomic neuropathy is not reversible and cannot go away on its own. However, with a proper management plan, the condition can be managed.
What Are The Natural Remedies For Autonomic Neuropathy?
There are not many natural treatments available for treating or curing autonomic neuropathy. However, natural methods like yoga and meditation can help in relieving the stress caused due to this condition and can help you cope better with the situation. These methods can be used as supportive methods with your treatment, but, with proper consultation with your doctor.
The signs and symptoms seen in autonomic neuropathy depend largely upon which nerves are damaged and what are the risk factors. These may include-
Fainting And Dizziness Or Giddiness-
There may be a sudden drop in blood pressure and as a result, you may feel dizzy or faint.
Urinary Bladder Problems-
- There may be problems related to bladder like urinary incontinence, trouble in emptying the bladder completely, the problem in starting urination.
- These problems may lead to urinary tract infections
Problems Related To Sexual Functions-
Problems With Digestion Function-
- Changes in the digestive functions could lead to problems like loss of appetite, anorexia, loose motions, constipation, and feeling of fullness after just a few bites of food, abdominal bloating, heartburn, etc.
- Due to an absence of warning signs like shaky hands, you may not be able to recognize if you are going into a hypoglycemia
Sweating Problems-
Body’s temperature-regulating ability may be hampered due to sweating problems like too much or too little sweating
Eye Problems-
Sluggish pupil reaction may lead to difficulty in adjusting in different light settings
Exercise Intolerance-
The heart rate should adjust according to our level of activity. If this does not happen, you may become exercise intolerant
Causes Of Autonomic Neuropathy
A lot of health problems can be responsible for causing diabetic neuropathy. Certain treatment methods for conditions like cancer may also cause autonomic neuropathy. Some of the common causes that may lead to autonomic neuropathy are-
- This is a term used for an abnormal build-up of protein.
- This condition affects many organs and the nervous system
Autoimmune Disorders-
- In these conditions, your own immune system attacks the healthy cells in your body and leads to damages to various organs in the body.
- Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus etc. are examples of autoimmune disorders.
- These autoimmune disorders can affect the nerves, leading to autonomic neuropathy
- Cancers may cause paraneoplastic syndrome, which is caused due to the response of the immune system. These syndromes can also cause autonomic neuropathy
- It is one of the most common causes of autonomic neuropathy.
- This is especially true when there is poorly controlled diabetes.
- Uncontrolled Diabetes can lead to extensive nerve damage throughout the body, over time.
Medicines used in the treatment of diseases like cancer, especially chemotherapy can cause autonomic neuropathy
Infectious Diseases-
Diseases like HIV, Lyme disease, botulism, etc. can cause autonomic neuropathy
Hereditary Disorders-
Certain inherited conditions may cause autonomic neuropathy
Autonomic neuropathy cannot go away on its own. Natural remedies like yoga and meditation can be helpful as a supportive therapy with the conventional method of treatment in this condition.
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