Shin splints are a painful condition of the front bone of lower leg provoked by persistent over straining activities and heavy weight training. It is caused by the inflammation of muscles and connective tissues around the shin bone. It can occur in one or both legs. Loosely fitted footwear can also cause shin splints. This condition causes pain and swelling in the shin bone during and after strenuous activities. Shin splints usually get better with rest without medical intervention. It gets worse when running and strenuous activities are continued.
Can I Walk With Shin Splints?
Spin splints are the condition characterized by pain in the front bone of lower leg caused by weight-bearing activities and exercises. Shin splints are most commonly seen in runners, dancers, athletes, and military trainers. This condition is also called medial tibial stress syndrome. It can appear in both the legs. Shin splints pain is not always present and is not always severe. Pain is felt during exercise or physical activity session. Shin splints pain is triggered by exercises and repetitive strain on the legs due to physical activities. Pain can become so severe in some cases that it prevents the patient to perform any activity. Due to repetitive strenuous activities, the bones, muscles, and joints attached to the bone get stressed out and healing and repair process gets delayed.
Walking is not restricted in shin splints. But there are few points that should be kept in mind that can avoid any stress on the shin bone. These points to remember while walking are-
- Avoid repetitive frequent strenuous running for a long time.
- Walk little distance at a slow pace for short intervals. Take proper rest in the intervals.
- Do not overexert.
- Avoid walking on hard surfaces such as concrete and uneven surfaces such as hills as it can provoke pain.
Use insoles and comfortable footwear that have right fitting for your feet. Orthotics can also be used to prevent shin splints. This will support your shin bone while walking as it protects from the strain on the bone.
Spin splints can occur in one or both the legs due to inflammation of muscles and connective tissues around the shin bone. It is caused by over straining activities of the lower extremities and repetitive heavy weight training. The shin bone can get cracked due to the persistent stress. It is caused by reasons such as
- Running on hard surfaces or uneven surfaces
- Overweight
- Sudden changes in one’s physical activities due to exercises or pace of running
- Weight-bearing activities like badminton, tennis, basketball, etc.
- Improperly healed past fractures
- Wearing loose or poorly fitting shoes
- Having weak ankles, tight calf muscles or tight tendon around the shin bone
- Anatomical abnormality such as flat foot syndrome
Shin Splints Symptoms
Its symptoms include-
- Pain is felt in between knee and ankle
- It involves one or both legs
- Swelling in the middle of the shin bone
- Pain is experienced during and after strenuous activities
- Pain resulted due to the past fractured tibia bone
- Dull or sharp pain in the shin bone
- Numbness and weakness in the feet
- It usually improves with rest
- In severe condition, pain is continuous even after a long interval of exercises
- In severe condition, pain is felt even during rest and at night
Massage can improve shin splints as it relaxes the tension on the calf muscles and other nearby attachments. The massage should be done in both front and back portion of the leg for better results. It reduces pain and swelling.
Shin splints are painful while walking hard. You can walk a short distance in short intervals if you have shin splints. Walking should be limited as overdoing may provoke the symptoms more. The measures discussed above will help a lot to have a safe walk in shin splints.
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