Is Priapism Dangerous?

Priapism is defined as partial or full erection of the penis, which lasts for more than 4 hours, which is erect in the absence of sexual stimulation or lasts well beyond sexual stimulation and orgasm.

Is Priapism Dangerous?

Is Priapism Dangerous?

Complications of Priapism

  1. Erectile dysfunction/impotence.
  2. Amputation of the penis.

Erectile Dysfunction


Duration of Priapism

  • Most men are reluctant to come to the hospital due to shame and ignorance.

Amputation of The Penis

There have been very few cases reported where patients had to undergo penile amputation because of a gangrene penis (dead penis) following surgery for priapism. The cause of the penile gangrene might have been a local infection, unrecognized long term arterial insufficiency which increases the requirement of oxygen and nutrients. This would result in further damage on the already impaired penile blood supply and result in penile ischemia.

Renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus, coagulopathy, peripheral vascular coagulopathy and surgery are identified as risk factors for penile gangrene.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 13, 2019

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