How Do You Cure Hematuria?
The diagnosis of hematuria is done on the basis of a urine test. A urine test will also help in finding out if you have a urinary tract infection or presence of minerals that might lead to kidney stones. An imaging test is also required to find the cause of hematuria. A CT Scan or MRI can also be recommended by your doctor. Lastly a cystoscopy exam to look for signs of disease in the bladder and urethra is done. It is also important to get a thorough medical history and your family history and especially any history of kidney disease, bladder problems or bleeding disorders.[1]
Hematuria can be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle that includes staying hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of fluid and avoiding cigarettes that are linked to urinary tract cancers.[2] If the hematuria is related to strenuous exercise and activity then switching to a less-intense workout program is beneficial. The treatment of hematuria usually depends on its cause. If it is exercise related then no treatment is required other than modifying the exercise programs. People who have drug related hematuria, it will improve when the medication is stopped that is causing the problem.[3] Antibiotics will cure the infection related hematuria while other causes will require a much more complex treatment.
For kidney stones drinking plenty of fluids is helpful in flushing out the smaller stones where as surgery or lithotripsy (where the stone is broken) is indicated. Treatment for trauma/injuries includes their management depending upon their type and severity. Tumors in bladder and kidney are treated keeping in mind the type of cancer, its spread, staging, patient’s age, their general health and their person preferences. The treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy that stimulate the immune system of a person to fight cancer.[4]
Glomerulonephritis is treated by antibiotics and diuretics that will help in increased excretion of urine from the body, medications to control high blood pressure and dietary changes to reduce work load on the kidneys.[5] If it is caused by a streptococcal infection then antibiotics are enough, without the need of any additional treatment. If it is caused due to an auto-immune disorder such as lupus then medications to suppress the immune system are usually prescribed. Bleeding disorders such as hemophilia are treated with infusions of clotting factors or fresh frozen plasma.[6]
Hematuria Prognosis
The prognosis for people with hematuria is excellent if it is related to exercise, medications, kidney stones, urinary tract infection or prostatitis. These people recover completely most of the time. If it is infectious then it can lead to kidney failure in severe cases. For people with kidney or bladder tumor, if they are diagnosed early then it can be cured. For bleeding disorders with new advancements in medicines treatment can achieve a near-normal lifespan in these patients.
Hematuria is the presence of red blood cells in urine. It can either be gross or microscopic hematuria. Gross hematuria is when a person can see blood in his/her urine and microscopic hematuria is when a person cannot see blood in his urine, but it can be seen under a microscope. It usually occurs in people who have an enlarged prostate, have urinary stones, take certain medications that include blood thinners, aspirin and other pain relieving medications and antibiotics. People who perform strenuous activities and exercise, long-distance running are at a risk of developing hematuria. People who have a bacterial or viral infection, such as streptococcus or hepatitis, have a family history of kidney disease or have a disease or condition that affects one or more organs can develop hematuria.
The symptoms of hematuria include excretion of urine that is pink, red or brown in color. The color varies from person to person depending on the amount of blood cells in urine. In most cases people with gross hematuria will not show any signs or symptoms. They might have bladder pain or back ache along with blood clots in urine.[7]
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