Do Uterine Fibroids Go Away On Its Own?

Do Uterine Fibroids Go Away On Its Own?

Yes, uterine fibroids can go away on its own. To understand how this happens, first we will talk about what are fibroids and how do they occur. This will help you understand how uterine fibroids can go away.

Fibroids are the commonest tumors that are seen in the female reproductive system. Its benign means it is non-cancerous. It does not increase the risk of getting uterine cancers in the future. It occurs in 30-50% of women in the reproductive age. It’s more common when you are closer to menopause (when periods are close to stooping). Fibroids are firm, compact tumors that are made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous tissue. This originates from the walls of the uterus. These tumors can be in different sizes starting from the size of the pea to a size of a grapefruit.

Do Uterine Fibroids Go Away On Its Own?

The cause of the fibroids is unknown. However, the research has found that the fibroids tend to grow faster when exposed to estrogen. Therefore, increase estrogen levels can increase the risk of getting more fibroids and accelerate the growth of existing fibroids.

Women who are at risk of getting uterine fibroids:

  • Women Close to Menopause – these women have been exposed to estrogen for a long time
  • Obese Women – the fat cells also produce estrogen, this will lead to higher estrogen levels in the body.
  • Pregnancy – during the pregnancy period the uterus is exposed to higher levels of estrogen.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

Even though most women have fibroids, only a few of them will get symptoms or will be large enough to detect from an ultrasound scan.

Uterine fibroids also can cause subfertility, miscarriages. The severity of the symptoms may vary according to the size and number of fibroids and where it is situated.

How Does The Uterine Fibroid Shrink?

Most of the time uterine fibroids stop growing or they shrink without any treatment. This happens when the level of estrogen reduce in the body. That means when menopause occurs, the fibroids loses the estrogen, which needs to grow so it will shrink and go away on its own. However, this will not happen in all women. If you have other risk factors for getting fibroids, especially if you are obese and have lots of processed unhealthy food sometimes it may not shrink.

If you were diagnosed with uterine fibroids by a routine ultra sound scan and if you don’t have symptoms you don’t need to really worry about. It’s a very benign condition. Watchful waiting will be ideal for you. You can consult a doctor and check the size and number of fibroids at regular intervals. If you do not get any symptoms and if it does not affect having children you don’t need to take any medications or undergo any surgery to remove the fibroid.

After some years the uterine fibroid may shrink on its own. If you are closer to menopause (close 50 years) and you have completed your family there is a higher chance of fibroid shrinking on its own as after a few years the menopause will occur and reduce the estrogen levels. If you don’t have any symptoms you can patiently wait until the nature cures it.


Uterine fibroids may shrink on its own without and medication or surgery in some women. Uterine fibroids grow and increase in number when exposed to estrogen. So, when the estrogen levels in the body reduce the fibroids shrink or disappear. Women who do not have symptoms or any problems with conceiving due to uterine fibroids can wait without doing anything while checking the size and number of fibroids at regular intervals. Uterine fibroids may shrink on its own when you attend menopause as menopause will stop the production of estrogen by the ovaries.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 16, 2019

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