Lower back pain is a condition that affects so many people. It is estimated that about 80% of adults do suffer from lower back pain at some point of their lifetime. This problem is a work related disability and a major cause of absenteeism in most working places. Lower back pain affects both genders and can be felt in different intensities ranging from dull persistent pains to sharp pains that can immobilize a person.
Factors like accident, age, lifting of heavy materials and sedentary lifestyles can cause lower back pains. However, a bigger percentage of low back pain is termed as mechanical and is linked to Spondylosis which is the general degeneration of the spine in connection to wear and tear in bones, discs and joints as you grow old.
How Long Does Lower Back Pain Last?
The actual source of lower back pain may not be fully realized but with time the pain will vanish and damaged or injured tissues heal through treatment. Lower back pain caused by stresses and strains, lifting of heavy objects, over exercising and bad seating or sleeping postures can be resolved within days or few weeks. However, this will be determined by the kind of treatment received or the severity of the damage. In some serious cases such as lower back pain caused due to degenerative conditions like arthritis or severe injuries caused by accidents will need specialized attention and therapy and it will take a little bit long to heal. Lower back pain can be treated easily and quickly if the cause is discovered and addressed.
What to Do About Lower Back Pain?
It is prudent for you to visit your doctor if you have been experiencing recurring and persistent low back pain. The doctor will carry out examinations on you and recommend the right treatment procedure for you. There are two major treatment options for lower back pain. We have the surgical treatment and non surgical treatment options. Surgical treatment for lower back pain can only be carried out in severe cases with evidence of structural changes that require corrective surgical measures and where nerves are badly damaged or wearing out rapidly. Non surgical option is whereby the physician will try to alleviate the pain without any surgery. Non surgical treatment is administered in a number of ways which includes pain medication, application of heat or ice, manual manipulation, exercises and therapeutic massage.
Conservative Treatments for Lower Back Pain
Conservative treatment is basically alleviation of lower back pain without any surgical means. Conservative treatments for lower back pain include the following:
- Physical therapy for lower back pain is a type of treatment is administered to strengthen your back muscles. This therapy ranges from water therapies to more specialized massage techniques.
- Medications for lower back pain is the most effective way of reducing inflammation, controlling pain and calming of muscle spasms.
- Injections are whereby the lumbar epidural steroid Injections are administered to help in strengthening of the back to reduce pain. A set of two to three injections will be administered into the Lumbar Spine.
Medication for Treating Lower Back Pain
Your physician will recommend some medication for you depending on the period of time you have suffered from lower back pain, your medical history and evident symptoms. The following medications can be recommended for you:
Acetaminophen and Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs such as naproxen and ibuprofen may be prescribed to relieve lower back pain. You can buy them over counter but for stronger ones the doctor will advice and prescribe.
- Muscle Relaxants – These drugs helps in reduction of muscle pains and spasms.
- Opiate Pain Relievers – This is a very powerful and strong medicine prescribed to alleviate severe lower back pain in cases where other types of medicines have not succeeded.
- Anti-depressants – These are drugs such as duloxetine and amitriphyline which are used in treatment of depression but are also prescribed in treatment of chronic lower back pain.
Injections for Lower Back Pain
Injections are also administered in treatment of lower back pain. Types of lower back pain injections include the following:
- Botox Injection – This type of injection is shot directly into the back muscle to alleviate lower back pain and treat the condition.
- Amticon Vulsants – This is also prescribed for treating lower back pain.
- Anesthetic or Steroid Injections – This type of injection is prescribed for lower back pain to provide short time relief.
Massage for Lower Back Pain
Massage has been proven as one of the effective means for alleviating lower back pain. Massage can provide effective pain relief and healing of low back pain caused by strains and tensions of the back muscles. There are two major types of massage used in treatment or reduction of lower back pain. They are:
Quadratus Lumborum Muscle Massage to Relieve Lower Back Pain
This type of massage for lower back pain helps a lot in reduction and elimination of adhesions and contractures habouring in the QL muscles. This state can be caused by repetitive strainious injuries, bending frequently, other traumatic injuries that cause damage to muscles and structures found in the iliolumbar part or the lower back through accident or slip and fall and healing state after traumatic muscle strains.
Gluteus Medius Massage
Some lower back pain can be caused by strains and tensions or injuries in your gluteal region. Gluteal muscle is made up of gluteus medius, gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus. When these muscles becomes too tight can result to a lot of pain and massage can play a major role in reduction of such tensions. A bigger part of our daily routines at work involves sitting down. When you sit down for a long time the gluteal muscle will become tense. Gluteal muscle massage is very vital because they are responsible for stability. The gluteous is intimately weaved to your knees, hips and feet when it comes to force closure provision. This type of massage relieves a number of aches and pains. An effective gluteus medius massage can even help you stop taking medication and painkillers prescribed for you.
Request your physiotherapist to give more time in performing these two types of massage. You will experienced a great relief from back pains if performed well.
Exercise for Lower Back Pain
There are a number of exercise therapy you can undertake for faster recovery from lower back pain. But it is important that you inquire from your therapist on which type of exercise to perform depending on your condition. Some exercises are extreme and can cause more harm rather than helping. Let your doctor recommend which ones are good for you. Here are some of the exercise that helps in reducing and treatment of lower back pain.
- Hamstring – This is whereby you pull your legs as you sit or lay on your back, then you straighten them.
- Back Flex – In this exercise for lower back pain you will push your body off the floor as you keep your hips on the floor.
- Hip Flex – In this exercise for lower back pain you keep your abdominal muscle tight and you slowly lean forward until you feel a stretch in your groin and hip.
- Lumbar Arc – here you will lie down, fit your hips until your spine is lined with the floor and your buttock and abdomen muscle tight.
- Half Sit Up – In this type of exercise for lower back pain, sit on the floor, put your legs in rectangular position and your heels in a hip width position and apart on the ground, your tip toes should point up cross your arms on your chest and keep your upper part in a straight posture and leaning a little bit backwards. Then slowly bend backwards and do not roll backwards and also ensure that your head is kept straight and up.
Yoga for Lower Back Pain
Research has shown that yoga is a very effective tool to quickly recover from lower back pain. A yoga professional will guide on which type of pose to perform depending with the severity of your pain or injury. The following yoga poses can help you reducing and healing of your lower back pain.
- Two Knee Twist – In this yoga pose for lower back pain, you will bend your knees towards your chest as you lie on your back and bring your arms to a T-position. Then lower your knees to the floor on the right as you breath out. Lower your knees further from the right arm when a shoulder lifts and be in that position for about 2 minutes.
- Supine Hamstring Stretch – In this yoga pose for treating lower back pain, you will lie on your back and bend your right knee towards the chest and put a rope or a cloth around the ball of your foot. Then straighten your leg towards the ceiling. Hold that pose for about 5minutes and repeat it with the other legs and both legs.
- Legs Up The Wall – In this yoga pose for lower back pain you will scoot your buttock to the wall and start swinging your feet up the wall. This type of yoga pose for treating lower back pain helps in relaxing of the lower back muscles and drain out stagnant fluids from the feet and ankles. It is advisable to do this pose after a long drive or traveling by plane and after lifting heavy objects.