Constant Stomach Pain: Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies
Stomach pain is essentially referred to cramps or a kind of dull and chronic pain in the abdominal area. Almost every individual has experienced stomach pain at least once in their lifetime. However, it should be noted that there may be various underlying cause of abdominal pain. Constant stomach pain can be a matter of irritation as it affects the mood and daily life of the person experiencing it. It is always wise to have a talk with a general physician in case of unbearable symptoms.
What Can Be The Underlying Causes Of Constant Stomach Pain In Adults?
Often the cause of the persistent stomach pain is not much serious and proper lifestyle change can be beneficial. Some of the causes involve-
Irritable Bowel Syndrome– This is the most common condition and often the prime reason of constant stomach pain experienced by people. Feelings of bloating accompanied by constipation or diarrhea are seen to be often associated. Such type of stomach pain usually goes away when the bowel movements get clear.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)- In case of inadequate consumption of water and liquids essential for proper flushing of toxins from the body, urinary tract infection can occur. They keep returning in case proper hygiene is not maintained. An individual with UTI can have recurrent and constant pain in the abdomen due to this accompanied by burning sensation while urinating.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease– Inflammatory bowel disease is a condition where the digestive system undergoes inflammation while the person is left with a persistent/ constant stomach pain. Such a condition leads to soreness of the intestine and the rectum.
Menstrual Cramps– Women undergoing menstruation can have severe muscular pain in the lower abdomen. Such pain is persistent and stays on for two to three days.
Constipation– Sometimes, due to irregular food habits and unhealthy lifestyle, there can be constant stomach pain due to difficulty experienced in bowel movements. Stool hardens due to lack of hydration which can lead to the persistent stomach pain.
Gastritis– A constant stomach pain can also occur due to problems of gastritis and acid reflux. The stomach lining gets inflamed. Long term inflammation can lead to formation of ulcers in the stomach which leads to persistent pain experienced in the abdomen region.
What are the General Causes of Constant Stomach Pain in Children?
In case of constant stomach pain in children it is advisable to check with the doctor to know the underlying cause. Children go through a variety of internal changes due to the developmental process, and self medication may not be much of a good idea. The possible and general causes of constant stomach pain in children may include-
Indigestion: Infants and toddlers may suffer from indigestion frequently of the food habits are not healthy. This can be symptomatic in form of constant stomach pain.
Constipation: Children are seen to be easy prey of constipation. If bowel movements are not clear due to hardening of faces, children may complain of constant stomach pain.
Gastritis: Prolonged period spent without food can lead to gastritis in children. Infants and kids cannot really understand when they are hungry, and may complain of stomach pain when they experience hunger pangs.
Food Allergies: Sometimes children may be allergic to some kind of food which may lead to constant stomach pain while consuming the same.
What are the Treatment Procedures Of Constant Stomach Pain?
In the first place once the patient with constant stomach pain visits the doctor, he is going to diagnose the underlying problem of such form of pain. There may be a set of diagnostic tests which may be recommended. Such tests are done to rule out problems of infection of the internal organs. The medical treatment is followed for constant stomach pain once the cause is known.
- In case of the problems appendicitis or infection in the gall bladder, surgery has to be done as a form of treatment. The doctor may appoint a date for surgery and medications may be given.
- In case of milder causes of the pain like constipation or food poisoning, the doctor may give IV fluids to the patient.
- Painkillers may be prescribed to the patient along with other medications to clear out the toxins from the body.
- Patient may be given antacid to cure the acid reflux so occurred.
What are Some Of The Home Remedies To Cure Constant Stomach Pain?
Home remedies can be beneficial in case of indigestion and mild bowel problems. In case of chronic and acute stomach pain there can be a presence of a serious underlying cause. Medical assistance should be sought in such cases. Few general home remedies to cure constant stomach pain involve-
Hot Compress: In case of abdominal cramps due to menstruation, hot compress with a heating pad or hot water bag may help ease out the pain.
Light Boiled Food: Eating light boiled food in case of diarrhea may help soothe the digestive system.
Ginger Tea: Drinking ginger tea may help improve digestion and reduce stomach pain as it is a good source of antioxidant.
Lemon and Hot Water: A combination of lemon and hot water helps reduce bloating as it restores the pH level of the body and removes gas. One may also use apple cider vinegar.
Fennel Seeds & Chamomile: Fennel seeds and chamomile are known for their antimicrobial muscular relaxant properties giving instant results in acute stomach pain occurring due to indigestion. Fennel seeds are beneficial to soothe menstrual cramps.
Home remedies for constant stomach pain also involve using varied spices like ginger, fennel seeds or even peppermint to help combat indigestion problems. Lemon and apple cider vinegar are good detoxifying agents of the digestive system. Above all, healthy diet and a proper lifestyle help keep the body clean, boosting metabolism and proper digestion.
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