Molluscum contagiosum is a type of viral skin infection caused from the virus of same name. Even though the disease is common among children less than 15 years, the problem may even infect toddlers and sexually active adults and teens. Infected people often suffer from benign raised bumps or lesions on the skin’s upper layers. Also referred as mollusca, such lesions appear as small in size and in pink, white or flesh color with a pin or dimple in its center.
Lifestyle Changes For Molluscum Contagiosum
People suffering from molluscum contagiosum may expect to improve their conditions by simply choosing for a healthy lifestyle changes with proper diet and other essential steps, which include the following-
Include Certain Foods In The Daily Diet
Molluscum contagiosum disease patients should add following essential foods in their daily diet to expect improvement in their health conditions.
Raw Onions And Their Juices. Raw onions and their juices are useful in healing lesions. This is because; onions contain antiviral agents to help in healing a wide range of skin problems. Once you extract raw onions’ juice, you should apply the same on your skin.
Turmeric. Turmeric herb has an active ingredient referred as curcumin. Because of this, it contains anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal properties to help in destroying specific viruses.
Garlic. Similar to turmeric, garlic also destroys viruses based on antifungal and antiviral properties. However, the active ingredient of garlic is Allicin.
Even you may add raw garlic in the juice form to get higher effective results, as both of the veggies come with antiinflammatory and antibacterial abilities.
Increase Your Fiber Intake. The consumption of food items rich in fiber may be an excellent lifestyle change for molluscum contagiosum problem, as the nutrient is responsible to cleanse the toxic substances present in your body. You may increase the fiber intake by having high quantities of organically grown, fresh and free from GMO veggies, like collard greens, kale, spinach and other leafy greens. Moreover, you may have juicy fruits and veggies rich in fiber to help you flushing out pathogens and toxins from your body. Along with this, you should consider varieties of organic husks, cauliflowers, green beans, broccoli and Brussels sprouts as other essential fiber-rich foods.
Never Forget Drinking Water In Adequate Amounts. Drinking water not only helps in eliminating and flushing out viruses and toxins, but also helps in keeping body fluids to become excessively viscous. Furthermore, adequate water intake circulates the essential nutrients and blood in your body. A majority of research studies have revealed that people may obtain benefits by drinking about 6 to 8 glasses water in one day. However, this is not any specific standard. Instead, water intake requirements vary in accordance to different factors i.e. activity level, health status, climate and many more.
To identify the exact amount of water required for your body on a daily basis, you have to listen to the body, as it gives the necessary signals. You may use the thirst to know the amount of water you require to intake daily. Alternatively, you may check the requirement of water based on the color of your urine. Urine of pale yellow color indicates proper hydration of your body.
Symptoms Of Molluscum Contagiosum
Symptoms associated with Molluscum Contagiosum often appear within only one week to 6 months period. Approximate incubation period for the infected virus ranges from two weeks to seven weeks. Painless lesions known as Mollusca is a common indicator of the infection and thus, bumps appear alone or in numbers as 20 or more at a particular time. Other common symptoms of the infection include-
- Firm, small and shiny bumps
- Bumps with a diameter between 2 mm and 5 mm or in between the size of any pin head to a pencil eraser.
- Pink, white or flesh color lesions appearing on the skin
- Bumps in dome shape with dimple in its center
- Presence of waxy material at the lesion’s center
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- Alternative Treatment For Molluscum Contagiosum
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