At one point or another, everyone has experienced the skin problem called acne. Whether it manifested through a form of tiny but pesky blackheads around your nose or cheeks, or through painful cysts that just won’t go away, everyone goes through similar experience with this skin problem. Treatment of acne is still one of the hottest subjects on beauty blogs, dermatologists’ office, and magazines. But what does one do after getting rid of acne, but being left with scars?
What is Acne?
Acne Vulgaris, or commonly known as simply acne, is a skin disease commonly associated with oil glands found at the base of hair follicles. Acne usually occurs during puberty since that is the period when oil glands come to life. At this point in life people often experience the rise in Androgen levels. Doctors differentiate different kinds of acne. They are usually classified into three groups: mild, moderate, and severe acne. Mild acne cause whiteheads, or blackheads, moderate acne cause papules (red pimples), and severe acne causes painful cysts, and under skin lumps.
Dermatologists advise to go and see a doctor as soon as acne starts appearing to prevent further spreading. There are several treatments proposed by dermatologists. These treatments are based around several factors: the severity of acne, type of acne, age of the patient, genetics, immune system, and many others. The most common practice is to use different kinds of creams and lotions. Even though this may help with some patients with milder form of acne, it often proved slow and fruitless with patients with cysts and papules.
Other form of treatment is laser and filler treatment. Fractionated laser technology helps evening out the skin surface, and also helps with collagen formation.
After getting rid of acne, people are usually left with scars. These scars form because of small canals (follicles) that connect pores and oil glands. Pimples grow when these follicles get blocked, resulting in oil accumulation under skin.
What are the Types of Acne Scars?
Acne scars can also be classified depending on their severity and looks. By severity acne scars are classified as mild and severe type. By looks they are classified as acne scars with gradual dip, and scars that are deep and narrow. Dermatologists offer several solutions on how to get rid of these acne scars. For milder scaring of acne they often propose chemical peel and microdermabrasion. For severe forms of acne scar they offer laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, and fractional laser therapy.
In severe cases doctors may treat acne scars with injections of collagen under the skin. Collagen helps with building the blocks of skin. In its natural form, protein collagen gradually reforms under the damaged skin tissue to help reform the damaged area. However, in some patients this takes longer than in others. This is based on genetics and immune system. Most doctors usually propose to be patient and wait or natural process of skin rebuilding to occur.
Can Acne Scars be Removed Permanently?
Yes, acne scars can be removed permanently but not in all cases. Most doctors agree that the complete removal of acne scars can depend on several different factors. Milder acne scars cause by whiteheads, and blackheads almost always disappear completely. Acne scars caused by pimples and cysts are not that easily removed. Depending on the position of a scar, its looks, and severity, some of these scars can’t be completely removed.
Acne scars that appear on the places where skin has more fat usually disappear faster than those formed in places with less fat, i.e. forehead. Collagen works faster in areas where cystic acne hadn’t destroyed skin and fat.
All in all, none can guarantee that acne scars can be removed in every patient. Based on different factors at hand, one should always consult their dermatologist on what is the best route to take in removing acne scars, and the ways to prevent new ones from forming.
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