Cradle cap behind ears is a common problem, mostly experienced by babies. While there are many causes of cradle cap behind ears, appropriate care and attention can surely help. It is important to know the various ways to get rid of cradle cap behind ears and manage the condition before it worsens.
Cradle cap behind ears is also known as crusta lacteal, milk crust, pityriasis capitis, infantile seborrheic dermatitis or honeycomb disease.
What Causes Cradle Cap Behind Ears?
There have been several causes of cradle cap behind ears:
- GLA or Gamma Linolenic Acid is a fatty component and when its supply in the body gets reduced, the chances of cradle cap behind ears in babies increases. This is a common cause of cradle cap behind ears as in such cases, the skin is not strong enough to endure the changes.
- Another common cause of cradle cap behind ears is overactive sebaceous gland where lots of sebum is produced on the skin of the baby. This may also lead to fungal infection that can actually prove to be quite messy for the baby and can worse cradle cap behind ears.
- Cradle cap behind ears can occur because of the excessive usage of the antibiotics that can make it tough for the skin to function in a smooth way. Too much usage of the antibiotics may destroy those protective bacteria that shield the skin from the degradation of the epidermis.
How to Get Rid of Cradle Cap Behind Ears?
If your baby has been suffering from cradle cap behind ears then have a look at the effective solutions that will help you in getting cured from it. So, check out the things that can help you to get rid of the cradle cap behind the ears.
Here are Some of the Traditional Ways of Managing Cradle Cap Behind Ears:
- Use a soft brush to get rid of the scaly skin.
- You can use some ointment or moisturizing gel or oil like borago oil. Use organic oil that is safe on skin and apply it on the affected area.
- You can use your finger to give gentle strokes on the area to soothe the skin and gently remove the flakes, if possible.
Some Home Remedies That Can be Useful to Get Rid of Cradle Cap Behind Ears, Particularly in Older Babies or Toddlers Include:
- Coconut Oil: This oil is especially suited for the skin and the benefits of which are known universally. Cradle cap behind ears and on the head, can be effectively treated with coconut oil, particularly to remove the flakes and scales. After applying the oil on the ear, make sure to wipe it off with the help of a soft brush or a towel to reduce the occurrence of flakes from the skin in an effective way.
- Petroleum Jelly: This is an effective solution to get rid of cradle cap behind the ears. You can just apply this on the affected area and leave it for a night. After the scales are softened, you can easily remove them.
- Shea Butter: This is a miraculous remedy to get rid of flakes and cradle cap behind ears. This is one of the best suited remedies for the babies because the shea butter is perfect for their soft skin and helps the flakes to get reduced gradually. You just have to apply the shea butter on the skin and leave it for half-an-hour and then rub it off gently.
Other Simple Measure to Get Rid of Cradle Cap Behind Ears Includes
- Using a comb with fine tooth to naturally ward off the flakes.
- Besides that, baby shampoo too can be greatly useful to keep the scalp and surrounding area clean.
- You may also use the dandruff shampoo if advised so, for kids.
These are some the ways in which you can get rid of cradle cap behind ears. However, if there is any medical advice, it must be followed accordingly. Make sure the cradle cap behind ears does not worsen or spread to other areas, if so, seeking medical opinion may be helpful.