Can You Get Tennis Elbow From Typing? [1]
It totally depends on the orientation of a person while typing and also on the time duration for which a person is using a computer. Mostly a person who is using the computer for long duration gets tennis elbow, as there is an excessive weight on elbow joint while typing.
Besides typing, a person can even get tennis elbow while operating mouse when again and again clicking can cause tennis elbow as a lot of force is imparted on the elbow joint. So proper orientation and proper sitting postures are mandatory for preventing tennis elbow.
Usually, gamers who use mouse frequently keep their elbow on the table and repeated clicking movement impart force to the elbow, which causes inflammation of the lateral condyle of the humerus thus leading to tennis elbow. There is no deformity in the bone. The main deformity lies on the extensor compartment muscles, which are inflamed due to repeated pressure on them. Thus, to prevent tennis elbow one should prevent using a lot of computer as in the case if one is using prevent contact of the elbow with a hard surface. This can be done by keeping a pad of soft cotton between elbow and table, which will prevent direct contact between the two surfaces and hence reduces friction and inflammation. Therefore timely management is necessary for preventing tennis elbow.[2]
Usually while typing there is increase contact between two surfaces and hence leading to tennis elbow. So, precaution includes decrease contact in the form of a mechanical barrier. So, precautions should be taken as much as possible for preventing tennis elbow as it is a severe inflammatory condition where the elbow is inflamed and swelled to that extent that a slight movement may cause pain.[3]
Besides ice compression analgesics should be started as early as possible to reduce the pain. Analgesic helps in getting rid of the pain.
And apart from medications, a person should prevent typing for a few days until swelling reduces. This will help in early healing. If inspire of pain person continues to perform typing work the inflammation may worsen. Accordingly timely care should be done. Never wait for the things to get worst. Take steps before it is too late.
Typing, not all the time causes tennis elbow, but yes it definitely causes tennis elbow when there is constant trauma to the elbow in the form of the string against the hard surface. So either wrap a bandage around the elbow and especially a padded bandage so as to prevent direct contact. This should only be done when it is mandatory to type in case of a professional person whose work involved constant typing and no way or the other one can get rid of it.
If this is the condition then after a considerable amount of rest person should start with one’s job along with taking desired precautions. So, make a habit of carrying bandage with you while you go for work so as to minimize trauma to your hand else there is a high chance that you may end up having tennis elbow.
Analgesic is the drug of choice and if in conditions where these analgesics are not effective a person can go for corticosteroid, which is anti-inflammatory drugs and helps in quick recovery. Just to make sure the pain resolves ice therapy and compression are also given for symptomatic relief so as to reduce the swelling around the joint.
Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment is the safest option to reduce the risk of further complications. At times tennis elbow and gold elbow may occur together, in which medial condyle is also involved along with lateral condyle. So in such case bandage application can be a great relief.
So, proper orientation while typing, proper rest and reducing the hours of continuous work can help in preventing tennis as well as the golden elbow. As these conditions are really painful condition one should be very careful and hence take desired precautions. So, it totally depends on the person whether one will get tennis elbow through typing.[4]
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