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Preventing Shin Splints With Compression Socks

Preventing Shin Splints With Compression Socks1

The question that strikes in our mind is that whether compression socks or sleeves can help in preventing shin splints? According to doctors, the answer to this question is yes. Even though such individuals do not overcome from the condition, but they can manage their problems by wearing compressions. Reason for this is that wearing compression sleeves and socks gives you better feeling to the injury, as you recover and let you to be the part of any new long race and prevent any new injury at the affected place.

Preventing Shin Splints With Compression Socks

Compression Socks and Sleeves are Helpful For Athletes2

Here comes the role of compression socks and sleeves, as they provide us graduated compression i.e. relatively tight or high level of compression at our feet and ankle, while loosen the muscles, as those sleeves and socks moves up our lower leg and calf muscles. In this way, compression socks helps athletes and other runners or joggers to fight with gravitational force effects as well as assist the body to achieve venous return i.e. flow of deoxygenated blood back towards the heart.

Compression Relations with Arteries and Veins Walls

Latest research studies have proved that with consistent compression at an optimal level, arteries walls dilate to increase the flow of blood from them. This indicates higher amount of oxygen and essential nutrients flowing from one’s body. In contrast, veins’ walls constrict because of compression, which further results in increase in blood flow from them. Increased velocity of the flow of blood from veins indicates that lactic acid and deoxygenated blood returns to your heart in less possible span of time to boost the recovery rate and reduce muscular soreness problems.

Compression Socks Stabilizes Your Muscles and Reduces Muscular Vibration

Compression socks play an important role to stabilize muscles and reduce the extent/amount of muscles’ vibration leading to reduction in your muscles fatigue.

Blood Flow in Our Body while We Exercise

With the aim to understand the function/functions of compression socks as well as sleeves, it is very much essential to possess a basic understanding about the way, in which flow of blood takes place in our entire body. Heart of an individual pumps oxygen combined with blood to extremities and various working/active muscles with the help of arteries.

Once cells use essential nutrients, along with the oxygen present in the blood, deoxygenated blood, waste products and lactic acid enter veins to revert to the heart. Once bloods return to your heart, it further oxygenated from your lungs and the process continues for entire life of a human being.

Retention of Lactic Acid Causes Soreness3

To retain the flow of oxygenated blood to your muscles is very much essential for your optimum performance. Whenever you do physical exercise, your body produces lactic acid (present in the sweat) as one of the waste products. If the lactic acid fails to remove properly from your muscles, it contributes to soreness and in turn, reduces your ability to perform workout, running or jogging.

Muscular Fatigue4

Another factor that reduces your performance is muscular fatigue. Muscular vibration at the time of doing any physical activity contributes to muscular fatigue. For instance, your leg muscles suffer huge vibration and shock while you pound pavement with 3times to 5times of your body weight at the time you run. With time, such minor muscles’ vibrations add up and cause muscle fatigue issues.


To conclude, we should say that compression socks and sleeves are perfect for any individual experiencing problems of shin splints as they prevent further injuries and helps in recovering from shin splints. Even though wearing compression fails to cure completely, it helps you managing your issues and thereby, allows you to participate in any long race or perform physical exercises easily. Other benefits of compression include drastic improvement in the performance based on increase in blood flow, fast possible recovery and reduction in muscular soreness, along with less possible muscles fatigue.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 24, 2020

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