Are your lipid levels high? High level of lipids and other fats in the body increases the risks of heart diseases, strokes and clogging of arteries! Everyone should check their lipid levels in routine intervals to remain safe. People diagnosed with heart diseases, high blood pressure or diabetes must remain highly concerned and check their lipid levels every year!
What is a Lipid Test and How Does It Help?
Lipid Test is done for Cholesterol testing! Lipid test is a test that measures the cholesterol and triglycerides level in the blood. Lipid test helps to determine the risks of developing clots in the arteries. The lipid test helps to prevent coronary artery disease. Lipid test also estimates the risks of developing different forms of heart diseases and other issues in the blood vessels.
The lipid test helps in determining the complete cholesterol level, as well as the levels of different types of fat in the blood, which include.
Cholesterol. The test determines the total content of cholesterol present in the blood.
High-Density Lipoprotein. HDL is the good cholesterol and helps to remove Low-Density Lipoprotein from the blood. HDL keeps the arteries open and boosts free blood flow throughout the system.
Low-Density Lipoprotein. LDL is bad cholesterol and it raises the risk of heart diseases, i.e., heart attack and stroke and issues in the arteries. High level of LDL in the blood builds up fatty deposits in the arteries hampering the blood flow. Blockage in the arteries can lead to heart attack and stroke.
Triglycerides. Triglycerides are one of the types of fat present in the blood. The body converts the nonessential calories from the food consumed into triglycerides.
Triglycerides get stored in the fat cells. The increasing level of triglycerides is one of the essential causes of being overweight. A lipid test helps in determining the level of triglycerides in the blood.
The doctors conduct Lipid Panel test for checking whether the person has a normal or abnormal cholesterol level. The Lipid test evaluates the cholesterol level of the individual. The doctor may also perform other tests like an echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, and cardiac catheterization along with lipid tests to get a better status of the patient’s condition.
How is the Lipid Test Performed & How Long Do You Have To Fast For A Lipid Panel?
The doctor will collect your blood sample. Before collecting the blood sample, the doctor will inquire about the health problems or experienced symptoms, family history of heart disease and any medications or supplements or allergies! The doctor also asks the patients to prepare for the blood sample collection for lipid test.
The individuals have to fast for 9-12 hours or overnight before a getting a lipid panel. Fasting overnight will make sure the lipid levels is not affected by the food consumed recently. The individuals can only drink water. Some tests may not require fasting. The doctors may recommend performing a lipid panel without fasting for youths without any risks of diabetes or high blood pressure.
The doctors guide the individuals with specific instructions for preparing for lipid panel. It is important to follow the instructions strictly!
Blood sample collection for lipid test is an outpatient procedure and takes only a few minutes. The painless procedure of blood sample collection gets done at a diagnostic lab or a local pharmacy. It is up to the patient to select the convenient option for blood sample collection.
The blood sample gets collected from the vein in the arms. A small amount of blood gets collected in a syringe. The procedure of lipid test is over in a matter of a few minutes and is painless. There are very mild risks associated with the lipid test procedure! The individual may feel faint or feel pain or soreness at the punctured site. There are even risks of infection in the punctured site from where the blood is taken.
What do the Lipid Test Results Determine?
The lipid test results will vary depending on age, gender and health history of the patient. If the total cholesterol level in the lipid panel is more than the normal range, the patient is at a low chance of developing heart diseases, infection, cirrhosis, inflammation, inherited lipoprotein deficiency, etc. If the HDL level (good cholesterol) in the lipid panel is more than the normal range, it means that the chances of developing heart diseases are low. But, if the HDL level is low, the risks of developing heart diseases are high.
If the LDL (bad cholesterol) level in the lipid panel is higher than the normal range, it is an indication of higher risks of developing heart diseases and atherosclerosis, blockage of arteries, obesity, etc. The doctor will analyze the lipid test reports and suggest further tests or treatment.
The individuals need to introduce changes to their lifestyle to bring the cholesterol level into normal range! Avoiding foods with high-sodium and high-fat is the first thing.
The individuals need to add varieties of vegetables, whole-grain products, fruits, and low-fat dairy products into their daily diet. Moderate exercises are essential to keep the body fit. It is also essential to quit tobacco and alcohol consumption for good lipid levels. Bringing changes to daily lifestyle and food habits will deliver better results in your lipid panel!
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