Watch 3D Video of 4 Simple Exercises for Achilles Tenosynovitis or Paratenonitis
Achilles tenosynovitis can be defined as an inflammatory condition affecting the layer or sheath that surrounds the Achilles tendon. The most effective exercises for alleviating Achilles Tenosynovitis are eccentric strengthening exercises which strengthen the tendon as it lengthens. Research studies reveal these to be probably the most successful treatment method for treating long-term chronic Achilles Tenosynovitis. Achilles tenosynovitis is also called paratenonitis. Achilles tenosynovitis is mostly seen in athletes.
Symptoms of Achilles Tenosynovitis or Paratenonitis
Skin is warm to touch.
Tenderness to touch.
Pain upon stretching of the Achilles tendon.
A creaking sensation is felt upon ankle movement.
Swelling is present posteriorly at the ankle.
You may get fever indicating infection.
Achilles tenosynovitis or paratenonitis is primarily an overuse or repetitive strain injury occurring over a period of time. It generally occurs in triathletes and runners due to incorrect training techniques and/or weakness of the tissues.
The Achilles Tenosynovitis or Paratenonitis recovery time depends on the severity of the injury and may sometimes take even months to heal completely. Actually, the patient can still be active during recovery period as per physician instructions.
Learn the following 4 simple exercises for Achilles Tenosynovitis or Paratenonitis that are quite helpful:
Toe Stretches to recover from Achilles Tenosynovitis
Calf-Plantar Fascia Stretch for Paratenonitis
Calf Stretch to Eliminate Achilles Tenosynovitis
Stair Stretch for Paratenonitis.