This video provides you with some amazing home remedies to remove blackheads.
Blackheads Briefly Explained!
Blackheads are very small black skin projections generally formed on the face, especially on the nose and sometimes on the back.
Blackheads are clogged hair follicles that emerge as small bumps on the skin. These are very mild type of acne which are usually formed on the face.
Each pore on your skin has a hair follicle and sebaceous gland. This sebaceous gland is tasked to produce sebum, an oily substance which keeps the skin hydrated and soft.
Whiteheads are small projections that are below the pore opening, these appear as yellow or white bumps.
If you are wondering on how to remove the blackheads naturally? Here we present you with some amazing home remedies to remove blackheads.
Amazing Home Remedies To Remove Blackheads
Tomato Wash:
Take a small tomato, peeled and mashed, apply this mixture over the blackheads before going to bed and leave overnight. Wash face with clean water in the morning, then you will see an amazing blackhead free skin.
Baking Soda Mask As Home Remedy To Remove Blackheads:
Make a mixture of baking soda and pure drinking water, apply gently to the area affected, allow it to dry for a few minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water to find a clean and blackheads free skin.
Lemon Scrub:
Lemon is yet another home remedy that works well in treating blackheads. Squeeze a small lemon in a bowl, add some salt in it and apply it on affected area. Leave for about 20 minutes and rinse it off again with warm water.
Honey Massage Home Remedy To Eliminate The Blackheads:
Apply honey onto the blackheads affected area and rinse it off with lukewarm water after 20 minutes.
Oatmeal Pack:
Apply oatmeal, yogurt, and lemon juice and olive oil mixture, apply this paste on the blackheads affected area to get rid of them, leave for 10 to 15 minutes and wash face with cold water.
Egg Wash As A Home Remedy For Blackhead Removal:
Extract one to two egg whites and mix with one tea spoon of honey. Apply this mixture over the affected area, leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and wash off with warm water.
Cinnamon Pack:
Take same quantities of cinnamon powder and lime juice to make a thick paste. Apply it onto the blackheads affected area and leave on overnight and then rinse off with warm water in the morning.
Milk Is A Home Remedy To Remove Black Heads Naturally:
Take a towel soaked in milk and scrub the area of blackheads to remove blackheads.
Turmeric Paste:
Turmeric has awesome healing properties, can be applied to the affected area to remove blackheads.
Aloe Vera To Remove Blackheads:
Take a aloe vera leaf and extract the transparent white gel from it. Apply it to the blackheads affected area to get rid of them.