Remove Blackheads Easily With These Home Remedies

Standing before the mirror and squeezing your skin so that you could remove that little black thing known as blackhead that is interfering with your beauty, is a common thing. But only removing cannot help you. You have to know the cause to get complete cure as well as know the things you need to avoid doing when you have blackheads and simple home remedies to remove blackheads naturally.

How Does Blackheads Occur?

Blackheads occur due to clogged pores (because of dust), hormonal changes, over activity of oil glands, excess use of makeup etc. They are black bumps that appear on skin surface and have no outer covering. It is the dirt, oil or sebum trapped in skin pores that hardens gradually.
If the dead skin cells don’t shed or get removed at the regular basis, it may clog the hair follicle and cause blackheads.

Using drugs like steroids (corticosteroids), lithium compositions or androgens also can cause blackheads. Using birth pills or having irregular menstruation causes hormonal disorder and may cause blackheads.

Don’ts: While Having Blackheads:-

  • Never squeeze your blackheads without using proper removing strip or groove, as this may cause rash on the skin and inflammation may occur.
  • Apply ice before and after squeezing. It minimizes the inflammation.
  • Avoid too much oily and junk food.
  • Limit your smoking and drinking.
  • Don’t go in sun, applying moisturizer. It causes more clogging of the pores.
  • Get some easy Home remedies.

Home Remedies To Remove Black Heads Easily

  • Scrubbing the blackheads by using a towel soaked in milk over the affected area may eliminate blackhead.
  • The alkalinity of the strawberry leaves help to reduce the swelling and clear the blocked pores.
  • Applying a paste of fenugreek leaves over the blackheads helps in removing them.
  • Apply mint tooth paste on the affected area and leave it until it dries. Wash off using a towel. It is supposed to help you in removing blackheads.
  • Aloe Vera. Apply its sap on the affected area as it could sooth as well as heal the affected area.
  • Applying baking soda by mixing it with water also helps a lot. Apply it for about 15-20 minutes and wash off with water.
  • Washing the area having blackhead with salt water on a regular basis helps to eliminate the excessive oil from the area. It is a slow process, but effective one.
  • Turmeric, a great healing ingredient, can be applied to the affected area. It heals the affected area.
  • Apply a mixture of oatmeal powder and rose water and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with a cotton cloth.
  • Groundnut oil or ground cinnamon can prevent blackheads from future growth too.
  • Mixture of lemon juice and cinnamon powder can be applied to your blackheads. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash off.
  • N.B: Your face will exfoliate. But while using spices taste them as there might be some problem. It will be good enough if you test them on your hand before using on your face so that you could be confirmed that there is no reaction happening.
  • Mix 2 tbs of yogurt and 1tbs of lemon juice and apply it over the blackheads.
  • Honey and lemon juice together is considered as one of the popular and best blackhead removers.
  • Apply 1 egg white with 1 tea spoon of honey on the affected area. This helps to prevent blackheads and keeps your skin free from getting greasy.
  • Mixture of salt, honey and lemon is considered as a good scrubber. It is to be made by mixing them all in equal quantities. You can also add Yogurt with this mixture and massage the affected area gently with this for 5 to 10 mins. Wash off with water.
  • Last but not the least, drink a lot of water and keep yourself hydrated as much as possible.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 11, 2019

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