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Scab on Nipple: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Scab on the Nipple A scab on the nipple can appear due to the break in the skin, which can result due to breastfeeding or...

Can Makeup Sponges Be Home For Bacteria & How to Clean Makeup Sponges

Most of us love makeup. It enhances the look and makes you feel more confident. According to a study 31 percent of people aged...

What is Bowel Endometriosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Bowel Endometriosis? Endometriosis is a pathological condition in which the endometrial tissues that line the uterus start growing in other areas of the...

Presenting Features of Rectovaginal Endometriosis & Its Treatment Options

What is Rectovaginal Endometriosis? Rectovaginal Endometriosis is a pathological condition that occurs when the endometrial tissues that line the uterus grows outside of it and...

Symptoms of Diaphragmatic Endometriosis & Its Treatment Options

What is Diaphragmatic Endometriosis? Diaphragmatic Endometriosis is an extremely rare variant of endometriosis where the tissues that seem like the ones that line the uterus...

Hairy Nipples: Causes & Treatment

If any female notices hairs on her nipples then it should not be a cause to worry as it is quite a common condition...

What is Labiaplasty: Procedure, Risks, Complications, Reasons For Going Ahead With Labiaplasty

What is Labiaplasty? Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of female genitals. It is a reconstruction procedure of labia and is done...

Lip Implant: How is it Performed, Who is a Good Candidate, Safety, Pros & Cons of Lip Implant

What is Lip Implant? Lip implant is a procedure that improves the fullness of the lips. It is a type of permanent lip augmentation that...

5 Common Symptoms of HIV in Women

When you first become infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the symptoms tend to be very mild, causing people to dismiss them easily....

16 Amazing Home Remedies To Prepone Your Periods

Periods are uninvited every month for most women. However, there are some months when you actually want to get them done in advance so...
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