Rabbit Breathing is popularly known as a breathing exercise which has the most benefits for asthmatics, for people with diabetes and for children.
Rabbit Breathing helps the person calm down when he/she is upset and eases any breathing difficulties.
How to do Rabbit Breathing or Rabbit Breathing Technique
- In order to do Rabbit breathing yoga exercise, sit in Vajrasana i.e. bend on your heels such that the hips rest on the sides of feet.
- Keep your head, buttocks and shoulders in straight line.
- Place your hand on the respective thighs just before the knees.
- To perform Rabbit breathing, keep your knees together and bend a little forward.
- Place your forearms on the floor in such a way that your palms touch the floor and elbows should be on the sides of the knees.
- Maintain the position of your hand around a distance of one hand between floor and chin.
- Open your mouth partially and protrude the tongue so that the tip of tongue touches lower lip.
- Look at a point on ground which is at a distance of around two feet from your eyes.
- Now, breathe rapidly and continuously like a rabbit for 20-30 breaths.
- Repeat the practice 8-10 times for 20-30 breaths.
- In the end, close the mouth and relax in Shashakasana.
- While performing Rabbit breathing, use the upper part of chest only.
- Feel the air going in out of the lungs.
- The expansion and contraction of chest muscles will be felt while performing Rabbit breathing.
Duration of Rabbit Breathing
- Rabbit breathing should be ideally practiced for 3-4 minutes.
- If you feel any discomfort while practicing Rabbit breathing, take a break for few seconds.
Benefits of Rabbit Breathing
- One of the benefits of Rabbit breathing is that it helps calm the children when they’re upset and not able to find their breath. It helps them catch their breath and allows them to breathe without any difficulty.
- Rabbit Breathing is extremely beneficial for Asthmatic people as it helps in regulating their breathing pattern.
- Rabbit breathing is also recommended for people with Diabetes and Nasal Allergy.
Rabbit Breathing Should Not Be Performed By:
- People suffering with Epilepsy
- People with high blood pressure should also avoid performing Rabbit Breathing
Tips For Practicing Rabbit Breathing:
- Always use mouth to perform Rabbit breathing
- After practicing Rabbit Breathing, relax in Shashankasana – Stretch your hands forward and touch your forehead on the ground while feeling relaxation of Chest and Thorax.
- Maintain this position till the breath returns to normal.
- While performing Rabbit Breathing, do not place your head on the floor.
- Make sure while performing Rabbit Breathing, the abdomen presses on the thighs to prevent any abdominal movement.