Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth: Causes & Home Remedies

What is Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth?

Palate or the taste buds is one of the most important part of the mouth of a person. Without an adequately working palate, you will have a tough time enjoying your food as it will be tasteless. Sore palate or sores on roof of mouth is one such condition in which the Palate becomes sore or inflamed resulting in them not working properly. Anatomically speaking, there are two types of palate which are the hard palate and the soft palate. The hard palate forms the front part of the roof of our mouth. The soft palate is located behind the roof of the mouth and is made of tissues unlike the hard palate which is made up of bones. Sore palate or sores on roof of mouth is a common condition and there are many reasons for it, from as common as eating hot and spicy food to may be some type of a boil around the palate region. This article gives an overview of what can cause sore palate or pain in the roof of the mouth and home remedies for it.

What is Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth

Causes of Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth

Coming to the causes of sore palate or causes of sores on roof of mouth, some of the common causes are:

Hot and Spicy Food Can Cause Sores on Roof of Mouth: This is by far the most common cause of Sore Palate. If we are not used to eating hot and spicy food and when we eat it, it may result in the Palate to become sore, as the heat can burn the region. Even having a hot coffee or tea can also cause a sore palate or cause sores on roof of mouth as it is quite sensitive.

Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth Caused Due to Infection: This is also quite a common cause of Sore Palate. A bacterial or viral infection is quite a decent place for bacteria and viruses to thrive upon due to its exposure to the environment and food deposits. Some of the examples of infections which can cause sore palate or sores on roof of mouth are sinusitis, tonsillitis, and common colds.

Cold Sores Causing Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth: Also known as fever blisters can also cause sore palate. If a blister develops on the roof of the mouth it may cause the pain to worsen especially with eating as due to chewing more pressure is put on the blister causing it to aggravate.

Canker Sores Causing Sore Palate: This is also one of the common causes of sore palate. A canker sore develops due to a burn or if a tissue is exposed to bacteria. Canker sores can be very painful and and make it difficult to eat or drink and even talk.

Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth Caused Due to Burning Mouth Syndrome: This is a condition which usually develops after eating food very late. It is a very unpleasant discomfort which one feels after having food very late. It may make the palate sore along with giving a feeling of burning in the throat and mouth which may last for hours.

Home Remedies for Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth

Below mentioned are some of the home remedies to get rid of sore palate or sores on roof of mouth.

Baking Soda: This is a very ancient and effective home remedy to treat sore palate or sores on roof of mouth. For best relief apply baking soda to the sore palate two to three times a day and before you know it you will be back to normal.

Yogurt: This is also quite an effective home remedy to treat sore palate or sores on roof of mouth due to its cooling effect. Having a plate of yogurt after having a spicy food can do wonders for the palate.

Well Balanced Diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins is always good for any type of infection and Sore Palate is no exception. Vitamins help in wound healing, treating infections faster, and are overall very helpful for the body.

Other Effective Home Remedies for Sore Palate or Sores on Roof of Mouth are:

  • Gargling with cold salt water or having an ice chip can help a lot with Sore Palate or sores on roof of mouth.
  • A glass of cold milk is also a very helpful way of treating roof of mouth sores
  • Try and use soft toothbrush so as not to injure the palate and cause Sore Palate or roof of mouth sores.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 28, 2022

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