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Can You Feel An Aneurysm In Your Stomach?

An aortic aneurysm in stomach does not show any signs or symptoms and you cannot notice the presence until it gets big enough and exerts pressure on nearby structures. The actual problem starts when it bursts. Diagnosis of aortic aneurysm can only be done when there is a scanning or any other examination of the abdominal area for some other complication. If there is any kind of doubt that there is an aneurysm in your abdomen, the doctor can confirm it by performing an abdominal ultrasound.

A stomach or abdominal aortic aneurysm, abbreviated as AAA is a swelling or bulging in the abdominal part of aorta, which is filled with blood. As the time passes, size of the aneurysm becomes bigger and starts exerted pressure on the surrounding tissues and structures. The tissues of the aorta get weaker and a time comes when that part cannot bear the normal pressure of blood and it gets ruptured. This leads to immense internal bleeding and leads to death of the patient if he does not get immediate medical attention. Medically, aortic aneurysm is a very severe condition. In this condition, the largest artery of the body, which carries blood from the heart to different parts of the body gets torn or splits.

Can You Feel An Aneurysm In Your Stomach?

Probable Reasons For The Cause of Aneurysm

The chances of developing an aortic aneurysm are very less. It is about 4% in men and 1% in women aged above 65. The aortic aneurysm cases in persons aged below 60 are very rare. It means age is one of the major factors of developing an aneurysm. Other factors include: obesity, hypertension and aged between 40-65, atherosclerosis, a family history of aneurysm, trauma, and infection in the aorta, sedentary life-style and excessive smoking.

If there are complications in the abdominal aneurysm the patient might feel some unusual symptoms like:

If anyone feels any of the above symptoms repeatedly they can go for a diagnosis. The most popular and effective diagnosis procedures for aortic aneurysm include abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, echocardiogram, MRA etc. An abdominal ultrasound is used most commonly for diagnosing the aortic aneurysm but when a more detailed internal view is needed the CT scan and MRA i.e. Magnetic Resonance Angiogram is done. When the area around the heart has to be examined and echocardiogram is done, as in case when a thoracic aortic aneurysm is suspected.

Treatment for Aneurysm

If you become aware of the fact that you have an aneurysm and you want that it should not create problems in future, then you should consult an expert immediately. There might be a need of surgery if the size of stomach aortic aneurysm exceeds its limit i.e. 5.5 cm in diameter. The surgery of abdominal aneurysm involves a cut downwards or across the abdomen. The part of the aorta with swelling is removed and replaced with an artificial tube or blood vessel. This is known as grafting.

Once the grafting has been done, the stomach aneurysm is packed for supplementary protection and prevention of bleeding. The incisions are either stitched or closed with clips which are removed after 5-10 days of surgery. There might be post-surgical affects and depression in many patients which usually disappear after 2-3 months.


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 18, 2023

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