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Can You Feel The Presence Of An Aortic Aneurysm?

Can You Feel The Presence Of An Aortic Aneurysm?

The symptoms of an aortic aneurysm can be felt gradually. It is also difficult to detect since there are no possible symptoms initially. It may happen so that the aneurysm stays in the body and enlarges over time. Some of the ways in which the presence of an aortic aneurysm may be felt are-

Can You Feel The Presence Of An Aortic Aneurysm?

  • A form of intense back pain.
  • The patient may complain of a pulsating feeling around the navel area.
  • Pain in the abdomen around it.
  • Pain around the chest area
  • The patient may have shortness of breath.
  • The patient may have a problem of persistent cough.

It should be remembered that in case of severe pain the patient must consult a doctor as it might be a case of emergency.

What are the Complications Of Having Aortic Aneurysms?

Having an aortic aneurysm may be considered dangerous because it contains various complications related to it. Such may include-

Rupturing: One of the main complications involves the rupturing of the aortic aneurysm. Such a form of rupture is considered to be a medical emergency and if not taken proper and immediate care, it can turn to be fatal. This is because it causes internal bleeding which is dangerous.

Growth Rate: Aortic aneurysm once formed may grow in size. It is quite difficult to predict the rate of such growing. Some aneurysms may grow very fast while other may take some time. It is to be remembered that the associated risk of an aortic aneurysm increases with the growth of the aneurysm because it gets more prone to rupture.

Blood Clot: The risk of clotting of blood also increases with aortic aneurysm. They may develop around the aneurysm and may stop proper blood circulation throughout the body. This further affects the general health of the patient inviting other forms of health issues.

Can the Patient Feel In Case The Aortic Aneurysm Ruptures?

There are various signs and symptoms of ruptured aneurysm. It may be a form of medical emergency and immediate medical help may be required. The signs include-

  • Sudden and intense pain in the chest or abdomen. The patient may complain of a tearing sensation of pain.
  • The patient may feel nauseated and have a sort of vomiting tendency.
  • The patient may suddenly sweat a lot and may feel dizzy.
  • The patient’s blood pressure may fall down drastically.
  • Pulse rate of the patient may suddenly increase.

What are the Causes Of Aortic Aneurysm?

Aortic aneurysm may be caused due to various factors. Lifestyle plays a major role in it. Some of the major causes include-

Tobacco: Use of tobacco in form of cigarette and other methods increases the rate of aortic aneurysm. Tobacco is seen to weaken the blood vessels thereby leading to aneurysm.

High B.P: Presence of high blood pressure may also lead to aortic aneurysm. High Pressure on the blood circulation also weakens the walls of the blood vessels easily thereby causing inflammation.

Atherosclerosis: Atherosclerosis, a condition caused due to hardening of arteries may also cause aneurysm in the aorta. Such hardening occurs due to accumulation of plaque in the blood vessels.

Infections: Any form of bacterial or even fungal infection may lead to a condition of aortic aneurysm.

Trauma: Accidental trauma is seen to cause aortic aneurysm at times when blood vessels get damaged.

Family History: Heredity may again play a role in aortic aneurysm. Family history of aortic aneurysm may increase the risk of the same.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 18, 2023

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