What is Appendicitis?
Appendix is a tiny organ which is attached to large intestine and when inflammation occurs in appendix, it is termed as appendicitis. Appendicitis causes high level of pain and makes it troublesome for you to carry on with normal daily routines. Treatment of Appendicitis is done through surgical removal of appendix.
But there are some issues with appendicitis, if you are suffering from this problem, then it becomes more complicated and being unaware of symptoms lands you in trouble. This guide talks about the ways in which appendicitis can be recognized through signs and symptoms which are mentioned here.
Why Focused Recognition of Symptoms Related to Appendicitis is Essential?
Most common symptoms of appendicitis ailment are generally associated with your stomach, which includes bloating. Many people fail to recognize appendicitis and think that this is some stomach and digestion related ailment start on self medication. This leads to worsening of pain and causes many complications at a later stage. Some criteria are there which you need to recognize the existing ailment:
- Always keep in mind the location of pain and from where it is originating.
- Be watchful about the age group and health condition of the patient, as it may show varied symptoms in both of the cases.
Signs That You Might Have Appendicitis
You need to understand some signs which are essential in recognizing appendicitis at an early stage. Most of these symptoms are common ones which lead you into some confusion regarding the disease. First recognize how the pain gets propelled when you are suffering from appendicitis.
Appendix is located at the lower right side of your abdomen and pain projection originates from its middle part. If you experience any such kind of sensation then it is for sure that it is from your appendix getting swollen. But if we become more specific in case of appendicitis problem, an understanding of the signs and symptoms helps in its treatment.
General Symptoms of Appendicitis
Appendicitis can be recognized with the help of signs and symptoms that develop on a general basis. Most basic way to recognize appendicitis is to locate the area where pain is emanating from. Symptoms of Appendicitis are categorized depending upon your age and health conditions like pregnancy.
This section deals with the signs and symptoms of appendicitis on a general basis which are as follows:
- Lower abdomen gets troubled by pain which is prominently felt on the right side.
- Another soft spot is navel, from where pain gets shifted to lower right abdomen area in appendicitis.
- While doing any physical movements, it is difficult to cope up with pain which exacerbates when you take a walk.
- There is pain felt during coughing.
- Nausea and vomiting, which can last for longer duration in appendicitis.
- You will constantly suffer from a loss of appetite in appendicitis.
- As illness progresses, one feels pain even when there is a low-grade fever.
- Appendicitis also accompanies digestive ailments, such as constipation or diarrhea, which often leads to massive weakness and anemia.
- Bloating is common in appendicitis.
Symptoms of Appendicitis during Pregnancy
When a pregnant woman suffers from appendicitis, there are some symptoms which severely affect the mother and can lead to many complications during pregnancy. The following signs and symptoms of appendicitis can be seen in pregnancy:
- Lack of appetite.
- Lower right abdomen pain.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
- Uterine contractions.
- Painful urination.
- Frequent pain in upper right belly location.
Pain will be experienced in a moving manner because of the changing position of appendix during pregnancy. During pregnancy, painful appendix has some specific signs to follow. Pain starts gradually and is not felt in a sudden manner. The appendicitis pain becomes severe with time and leads to many complications later on and is felt around the navel area, which worsens with time. It often happens that the appendicitis pain is overlooked and is thought to be linked with a hunger cramp, but it has to be seen from the perspective of location.
One thing is to be kept in mind that appendicitis pain in pregnancy will be felt in the upper abdominal area as appendix is raised during pregnancy.
Signs and Symptoms of Appendicitis in Children
Among kids, it is very difficult for them to understand the nature of the existing pain. In such case, you, as a parent will have to look into some common ways to understand if your child is suffering from appendicitis. Among kids, the onset of appendicitis may be at nascent stage therefore, it becomes easier to comprehend the associated symptoms of appendicitis. The following are the symptoms of appendicitis in children:
- Food allergy which may be mild.
- Anxiety that may persist.
- Constipation.
- Gas.
- Strep throat.
- If your child swallows lots of air then it can be an indication of appendicitis.
Above symptoms will last for a day, but if the problems persist for more than two days, it is recommended to seek medical help. Particular age group of kids display varied symptoms or a group of symptoms.
Understanding the Location of Appendicitis Pain
If you suspect your kid to be suffering from appendicitis, but if it is difficult to verify whether it really is indicates appendicitis, then finding out the correct location helps a lot. Appendicitis develops over a period of time; therefore, understanding the appendicitis pain location is necessary. In kids, it is easy to find out about appendicitis pain by pressing the lower right abdominal area and releasing it quickly. If pain is there, it will be felt by the kids that lead to graver problems in the future so immediate medical treatment is a must.
Appendicitis is very problematic when it becomes severe with time and the symptoms of appendicitis often become out of control. Therefore, being watchful helps in curtailing the problem and an early treatment makes you cure in a speedy time. Appendicitis is not a usual condition, but its occurrence can become troublesome therefore; it’s favorable to seek medical advice as soon possible.
“Appendicitis” – Mayo Clinic Link: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/appendicitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20369543
“Appendicitis” – MedlinePlus Link: https://medlineplus.gov/appendicitis.html
“Appendicitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments” – National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Link: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/appendicitis
“Appendicitis” – Cleveland Clinic Link: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14463-appendicitis
“Appendicitis in Pregnancy: Diagnosis and Management” – Obstetrics & Gynecology Link: https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/Abstract/1999/12000/Appendicitis_in_Pregnancy__Diagnosis_and.21.aspx
“Acute Appendicitis in Children: Emergency Department Diagnosis and Management” – Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2978399/
“Appendicitis in Pregnancy: A Comprehensive Review” – The Permanente Journal Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4385744/
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