Kidney Disease Information Center

What Tests Are Used To Diagnose Metabolic Acidosis?

What is Metabolic Acidosis? Metabolic Acidosis is a condition that arises when there is an imbalance between levels of acids and base in the body(1,...

What Are The Stages Of Wilms Tumor & What Is The Survival Rate?

Wilms tumor refers to a specific type of kidney cancer and it often takes place in children. This type of kidney cancer mainly affects...

Can You Die From Wilms Tumor & Can It Spread?

Every individual has two kidneys located over his/her waist i.e. on both sides of the spinal cord. Kidneys of a person are responsible to...

What Leads To Wilms Tumor & Can It Be Cured?

Wilms tumors are rare but malignant forms of kidneys tumors found mainly in children. These tumors mainly take place in children belonging to 3...

What Are The First Symptoms Of Wilms Tumor & How Do You Test For It?

Wilms' tumor is a type of cancer affecting kidneys, it is very rare in nature and it majorly affects small children. Mainly it affects...

Is Nephrotic Syndrome Fatal & Can A Child Die From It?

The nephritic syndrome refers to the glomeruli disorders, where glomerule represents various huge clusters of microscopic blood vessels present in the patients’ kidneys, which...

Can You Outgrow Nephrotic Syndrome & How Do You Reduce Swelling In It?

Children or infants with excessive amount of protein excreted from their urine, swelling in different regions of their body and sudden weight gain may...

What Is The Prognosis For Wilms Tumor?

In children, Wilms tumor is the most prevalent cancerous renal tumor. Progress in surgical and anesthetic management, use of advanced chemotherapy, and radiation therapy...

Can Adults Get Wilms Tumour And What Are Its Symptoms In Adults?

Wilms tumor is an extremely rare kind of cancer, that is seen most commonly in children up to the age of 5 years. The...

Coping Methods For Wilms Tumour

Wilms tumor is a very rare type of cancer that is most commonly seen in children aged up to 5 years. It is the...
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