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What Are Signs Of Kidney Problems?

Due to underlying kidney problems, the kidney, which is one of the vital organs, fails to perform its functions either partly or completely. Further, there are some kidney problems which, although does not reduces the functioning of kidney, but may provide certain uncomfortable and serious symptoms such as severe pain in kidney stones. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood, managing red blood cells and to create a balance of electrolytes and certain minerals and proteins. Any sign that may be due to kidney problems should not be ignored.

What Are Signs of Kidney Problems?

What Are Signs of Kidney Problems?

Kidney disease provides various signs which can overlap with the signs for many other diseases. But ignoring these signs and symptoms may prove life-threatening as the kidney is a vital organ. Further, if the signs are ignored and the disease goes into a chronic stage, then there is an irreversible damage to the kidneys and the only options would be either to undergo lifelong dialysis or perform a kidney transplant. There are generally two types of methods to identify if a person has kidney problem:

  1. By analyzing the physical parameters.
  2. By confirming the above parameters through diagnostic methods.
  1. Physical Parameters

    These are those parameters which the doctors come across while examining the patient and by talking to the patient. These are the parameters which are used to exclude out other diseases and zeroing on kidney disease.

    Following Are The General Signs Of A Kidney Problem:

    1. Feeling Cold: Poor kidney function directly affects the capacity of the blood in controlling the temperature of the body. Thus, the person will feel cold even when there is no cold or when other people are comfortable with the environment.
    2. Tiredness and Lack of Energy: Kidney filters the toxins and other waste metabolites from the blood and ensures that a purified blood flows in the system. In case of kidney problem, the toxins accumulate in the blood and the patient feels tired.
    3. Swelling: The kidney is responsible for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body. When the electrolytes are imbalanced due to kidney problem, water is retained in the body and swelling can be seen below eyes, in ankles and foot.
    4. Pain and Burning Sensation: If a person experiences pain and burning sensation while urinating, there are significant chances that there is a urinary tract infection. Further, this may also be due to kidney stones.
    5. Severe Pain: If there is a severe pain on the back and side of the body, it can be due to kidney stones. There might also be blood in urine due to kidney stones.
    6. Feeling Faint or Dizzy: As the performance of the kidney directly impact the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen, any problem in kidney may lead to reduced oxygen and thus the patient may feel faint.
  2. Diagnosis of Kidney Problem

    Once the doctor, after a complete examination of patient, thinks that the patient may have kidney disease; doctor may advice for a diagnostic test for confirming the presence of the disease and also the stage of the kidney problem.

    Following Are The Tests Advised By The Doctor For Diagnosis Of Kidney Problems:

    1. Blood test: As the performance of the kidney directly impacts the functioning of blood, this is an initial test for kidney function. Kidney is supposed to filter toxins and waste metabolites from the blood, thus presence of wastes and toxins in higher amount may conclude that the patient is suffering from the kidney disease.
    2. Urine Test: There are certain substances which are not present in urine filtered by a healthy kidney. But if those substances are found in urine, this may conclude the presence of problem in kidneys.
    3. GFR: Glomerular filtration rate is a key parameter to assess the functioning of the kidney and to define the stage of kidney problem.
    4. Imaging Techniques: In certain cases, the imaging technique is used to assess the shape and size of the kidney.


  1. Mayo ClinicChronic Kidney Disease

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 25, 2023

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