The combination of numerous liver diseases results in cirrhosis. The complications developed by an individual possess the reduced functionality of the liver along with abnormal structure. The illnesses that pave the path to cirrhosis cause the change in the shape of the liver because they begin to kill the cells. Due to the death of the cells, the liver, which is the only organ possessing the ability to self-heal, starts to repair that leaves behind scar tissues. As the new cells begin to multiply to replace the dead cells, they begin to form a cluster of the cells within the tissue.
Why Cirrhosis Causes Problems?
The liver performs several critical actions that help the entire body to operate at optimum values. Of the several abilities the liver possesses, the two crucial activities that it plays is the production of chemicals necessary for the body to break the food particles and fat, and release enzymes that cleanse the body by removing toxins and other dead cells from the bloodstream. When you have cirrhosis, you are breaking the relationship that the organ has with blood. Although new cells form, they do not have intimate contact with the blood, which makes it tough for the liver to discharge toxins.
Why is There No Cure for Liver Cirrhosis?
Continuous research is helping researchers to understand the mechanism of the formation of the scar. They are in the process to learn whether it is possible to interrupt or reverse the process. Due to this reason, there is no cure available. However, if detected in early stages, it is possible for a doctor to reduce the scarring by using medications. Additional activities include changes to food habits, lifestyle, and liver transplantation (if needed).
Evaluation and Diagnosis
The best diagnosis procedure to evaluate the state of the liver is the liver biopsy. However, doctors do not recommend the process to everyone, as it carries a certain amount of risk. Therefore, the procedure is viable only for those where it is difficult to state the presence of cirrhosis. Physical examination, symptoms, and history play a crucial role in determining the existence of cirrhosis. CT and MRI scans provide information about enlarged liver and abnormal structure. Abnormal inflation in liver enzymes in the blood suggest inflammation to the liver. Detection of anti-bodies provides a clue to the beginning of biliary cirrhosis or hepatitis. Extraction and examination of accumulated fluid in the abdomen also provides a hint for the presence of cirrhosis.
It is possible for you or any other person to have a few or no signs of cirrhosis. In several cases, the symptoms misguide the doctor for the presence of cirrhosis while in others there is none. However, you can note the following symptoms to reach out for medical assistance and conduct diagnosis of the liver to understand the status.
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Jaundice – occurred to bilirubin accumulation in the blood
- Itching sensation
- Loss of appetite
Bruises appear easily due to decreased production of proteins that prevent blood clotting
The Causes of Cirrhosis
Alcohol plays a vital role in destroying the health of the liver. The scarring of the liver depends on the amount that a person consumes. According to statistics, the digestion of alcohol is different for male and female. The prescribed quantity is two glasses per day for men and one glass a day for women. Anything in excess will make it difficult for the liver to produce the enzymes that help in processing the alcohol. Other causes include consuming processed foods, excessive intake of salt, energy drinks, red meat, and fried foods.
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